Recently Listened Podcasts for February 21, 2011

Bring on the Pain! 26:51:00 Stephen J. Dubner Freakonomics Radio 2/19/11 20:20

Episode One: Marie Antoinette (Audio) 1:05:53 historychicks The History Chicks 2/19/11 19:53

Entrepreneurial Leadership Does Not Happen in the Executive Suite 5:06 The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show 2/19/11 18:48

AHOW: 096 Russian revolutionary plate 18 Oct 2010 14:05 BBC Radio 4 A History of the World in 100 Objects 2/19/11 18:42

AHOW: 098 Throne of Weapons 20 Oct 2010 14:09 BBC Radio 4 A History of the World in 100 Objects 2/19/11 18:28

Carol Roth on The Entrepreneur Equation – Part 3 8:18 The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show 2/19/11 18:14

Children of Tomorrow, Raised by Machines 41:36:00 Stuff To Blow Your Mind 2/19/11 18:06

Carol Roth on The Entrepreneur Equation – Part 1 8:50 The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show 2/19/11 17:24

IOT: The Battle of Bannockburn 3rd February 2011 42:05:00 BBC Radio 4 In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg 2/16/11 12:07

99% Invisible-15- Sounds of the Artificial World 4:51 Roman Mars 99% Invisible 2/16/11 11:25

IOT: The Mexican Revolution 20th January 2011 42:06:00 BBC Radio 4 In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg 2/15/11 11:19

January 29, 2011: The Splendid Table 51:50:00 American Public Media APM: The Splendid Table 2/14/11 16:36

January 22, 2011: The Splendid Table 52:09:00 American Public Media APM: The Splendid Table 2/14/11 15:02

Rachel Abroms of Rachel Abroms Studio is our very special guest this month on the Escape PODcast 49:59:00 Susan M. Baker The Escape Hatch 2/14/11 10:59

Entrepreneuring is About One Thing 7:34 The Bigg Success Show The Bigg Success Show 2/14/11 10:28

Recently Listened Podcasts

Here are a few podcasts I have listened to today — Douglas

Tim O’Reilly on Language as a Map 6:11 Brady Forrest Ignite

Ola Helland on Getting One Million Giraffes 5:44 Brady Forrest Ignite

AHOW: 085 Reformation Centenary Broadsheet 1 Oct 2010 13:51 BBC Radio 4 A History of the World in 100 Objects

IOT: Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 6th Jan 2011 41:55:00 BBC Radio 4 In Our Time With Melvyn Bragg

Jan. 15, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon 13:09 American Public Media APM: A Prairie Home Companion’s News from Lake Wobegon

Directing, Headshots, Lens Flares and Zombie Mommy! – Film Riot 11:58 Revision3 Film Riot (Quicktime Large)

Audio: 5th Annual Live Reading of A Christmas Carol

Tonight marked our 5th Annual LIVE Reading of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. We had some new voices this year and had a great time as usual. You can listen to the entire show using the link below.

Consider having your own reading of A Christmas Carol, or other favorite story, as a way to gather friends together and share a unique experience. You don’t have to broadcast it like we do, but why not share it with the world!

This year’s show was sponsored by, Eclipse-1 Media and New Media Interchange.

Listen to 5th Annual Live Reading of A Christmas Carol

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Enjoy more Christmas Carol in your own home!

Free download of “A Christmas Carol” – Text/ePub/HTML/Kindle versions available

Free download of our reading script of “A Christmas Carol” – PDF format

The audio CD of Patrick Stewart’s one man version of A Christmas Carol is absolutely amazing. We saw the show several times here in LA and met Patrick one evening. His version of “A Christmas Carol” was the driving factor in starting our own yearly reading of the story.

More “A Christmas Carol” on

Audio: Douglas speaks to the Independent Filmmakers of the Inland Empire

On December 15, 2010 I had the pleasure of speaking to the Independent Filmmakers of the Inland Empire on their 1st Anniversary. I talked about how they could use New Media to expose and support their work using New Media tools and also by using the group as a consortium were everyone benefits from each other’s success.

Listen to “Douglas speaks to the Independent Filmmakers of the Inland Empire” (31 mins)

Audio: Ghosts of the Internet 2010 now available!

My friend, Michael Lawshe, from Eclipse-1 Media hosts an annual live reading of Halloween and spooky stories. A recording of this year’s show is now available for your listening pleasure. Everyone in the Welch Family took turns reading a variety of stories from the witches of William Shakepeare’s MacBeth to the haunting words of Edgar Allen Poe.


Download Ghosts of the Internet 2010 (2 hours)

Recorded Live, Saturday, October 30, 2010 at the Platt Branch of the LA Public Library

Radio Show: Adventurize Your Mid-Life

My fellow New Media Mastermind member, Tracy Pattin, produces this excellent weekly radio show on “Adventurizing your Mid-Life.” Check it out for great ideas and great guests each Wednesday at 1pm Pacific Time. — Douglas

Adventurize Your Midlife with Tracy Pattin and Lisa Greenfield

Date / Time: 10/27/2010 1:00 PM
Category: Self Help
Call-in Number: (347) 838-8845

Listen to internet radio with AdventurizeYourLife on Blog Talk Radio

Co-hosts Tracy Pattin ( and Lisa Greenfield ( talk to Author/ Relationship Expert, Barbara Berg this Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 at 1pm.

Of course Tracy and Lisa share insights and adventures from their own lives to inspire YOU to get out there and adventurize!

Upcoming Episodes
11/3/2010 1:00 PM – Adventurize Your Midlife
11/10/2010 1:00 PM – Adventurize Your Midlife
11/17/2010 1:00 PM – Adventurize Your Midlife

They have Author/ Relationship Expert, Barbara Berg this Wednesday, October 26th, 2010 at 1pm.

Listen to the show live or listen to past shows

Audio: Making the Case for Using Media for e-Learning

This talk was part for the eLearning Guild’s Online Forum 2010. A Slidecast and video are coming soon.

Making the Case for Using Media for e-Learning

The physical and creative aspects of media are easier than ever before, but sometimes there are those people that must be sold on the usefulness of using media for e-Learning. It always pays to ask “Why?” about any use of technology, and New Media is no exception.

Participants in this session will learn the many reasons why companies and individuals should be using media. The intimacy, ease of delivery, and information richness of New Media puts it far above the all other methods. When used in combination with text and graphics, audio and video enhance learning in a variety of ways. This session will give you the “ammunition” to sell the use of media to your managment.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why New Media and why now?
  • How audio and video enhance the learning experience
  • How you can “sell” New Media to your management
  • How your learners can best be served by delivering information via media

Listen to “Making the Case for Using Media for e-Learning”

Download slides for “Making the Case for Using Media for e-Learning”

VoiceRegistry Podcast: Douglas speaks on New Media/Social Media Strategies for Voice Actors – Part 2

The second part of my interview for the VoiceRegistry podcast appears today. You can check it out using the links below.

Podcast- New Media/Social Media Strategies for Voice Actors (part 2)

March 23rd, 2010 Posted in Audio Podcast

Doug Welch pictureDouglas E. Welch is a New Media/Social Media Consultant and pioneer podcaster. His early work in the theater prepared him well for a life of speaking and teaching about technology, computers and New Media and the amazing benefits they bring into our lives. Douglas spent 5 years at Walt Disney Imagineering, but eventually struck out on his own and has been working as a freelance consultant for almost 15 years. Douglas is also the founder of New Media Interchange (, a free group dedicated to bringing the power of New Media to everyone. You can find links to all of Douglas’ projects on

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VoiceRegistry Podcast: Douglas speaks on New Media/Social Media Strategies for Voice Actors

I appear today on the VoiceRegistry podcast, speaking on social media and new media. The interview will appear in 2 parts. Watch this blog for Part 2 when it is released

Podcast-New Media/Social Media Strategies for Voice Actors

Doug Welch pictureDouglas E. Welch is a New Media/Social Media Consultant and pioneer podcaster.

His early work in the theater prepared him well for a life of speaking and teaching about technology, computers and New Media and the amazing benefits they bring into our lives. Douglas spent 5 years at Walt Disney Imagineering, but eventually struck out on his own and has been working as a freelance consultant for almost 15 years. Douglas is also the founder of New Media Interchange (, a free group dedicated to bringing the power of New Media to everyone. You can find links to all of Douglas’ projects on

Douglas talks New Media with

I was interviewed by George and Mary-Lynn from the other day. Here are the results of that interview.

Bigg Success Podcast LogoCareer Success with New Media

We were happy to visit with Douglas E. Welch today on The Bigg Success Show today. Douglas is an expert on building the career you deserve and spreading the word about your talents using social media. Among other things, he’s the host of two great blogs and podcasts: Career Opportunities and Careers in New Media. Here’s a recap of the conversation:

Read Douglas talk with George & Mary-Lyn on The Bigg Success Show! with complete text transcript.

Listen to Douglas talk with George & Mary-Lyn on The Bigg Success Show!

10 Tips for better Skype Audio and Video Calls

Just 10 simple steps to insure that your Skype calls (and other VOIP calls) are as high quality as possible.

  1. Shut down resource hogging program and services
    • If your computer is busy doing something else, it is not giving you all the power you need for your Skype call. Shut down your Instant Messenger, Twitter program, Email program, etc.
  2. Stop all downloads and uploads
    • Don’t try to buffer that video from YouTube or upload your latest video to Skype needs that network bandwidth for your call
    • Make sure no one else is hogging your network. Shut down computers to make sure.
  3. Use headphones
    • While Skype is better than ever at quashing echo from either end of the conversation, headphones stop it cold. Take a cue from live TV news. Put in one earbud and drape if off the back your ear and down you back, if you don’t want it to be seen.
  4. Don’t send video if you only need audio
    • Save the network bandwidth and only send video if you really need it. It will insure that your audio stays as solid as possible, even if you network connection gets a little slow.
  5. Get close to your microphone
    • In most cases, you laptop microphone is fine, but the better your microphone, and the closer you are to the microphone, the better the audio quality. Use a nice condenser mic on a stand or lavaliere mic clipped to your shirt.
  6. Find a quiet place.
    • Background noise is more disruptive on a Skype call than a telephone. Make it easy on yourself and find a quiet place to talk.
  7. For video, choose a pleasing, uncomplicated background
    • Complicated backgrounds (and clothing patterns) mean more work for video compression programs and more network bandwidth. Keep it simple and make it easy on your computer
  8. Test your computer and network before you need it
    • Before any important call, do a test using the computer and network you will be using for the actual call, if possible. As is often said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It is so much better to identify problems before you are under the pressure of the actual situation.
  9. Stay with the most current version (not beta) of the program
    • I have had issues in the past with 2 different versions of Skype working well together. Sometimes it can’t be avoided, but if you have having connection or quality issues, check that you are using similar versions.
  10. Try not to talk over/interrupt one another
    • This can be difficult, as you can’t see each other on an audio call, but establish some sort of protocol with your caller so that you don’t end up talking over each other, or asking each other to repeat something that was missed.

More resources on using Skype:



What is your favorite Skype tip? Tell everyone by clicking the Comments link below.

Audio: Live Reading of “A Christmas Carol” – 4th Annual

On Sunday last, I held my 4th Annual LIVE Reading of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” and the audio is now available for your holiday pleasure.

I think this would be great listening while steaming your Christmas pudding, cooking your Christmas goose or enjoying that refreshing “bowl of steaming bishop!

Listen to the 4th Annual LIVE Reading of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” from


You can also watch the video captured live on

Watch the 4th Annual Reading of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”

Friends in Tech present A Geek Christmas Story

Happy Holidays from everyone here at Careers in New Media and I hope you enjoy this year’s holiday presentation from Friends in Tech. — Douglas

Listen to A Geek Christmas Story


“Mattie Stevens, a young boy of the early 80’s, dreams of owning a Commodore 64. He sets out to convince everyone this is the perfect gift. But, along the way runs into opposition from his parents and everyone around him including old Santa Claus”

Written By:
Kreg Steppe
and Douglas E. Welch

Produced By:
George Starcher
– Typical Mac User Podcast
Victor Cajiao – Typical Mac User Podcast – Typical Shutterbug Podcast
Steve Holden – Tech News Radio Jersey Boys Podcast –

Cast of Players:
Narrator: Kreg Steppe – Technorama
Harvey Stevens: Dad – Kevin Devin
Mandy Stevens: Mom – Susie Murph – How to Grow your Geek Podcast
Mattie Stevens: Son – Daniel Devin
Sandy Stevens: Little Brother – Spencer Holden
Curtz Eisenberg: Friend to Mattie – Harrison Steppe
General Beringer: General – Douglas E. Welch
Lieutenant: Steve Holden – Tech News Radio
Mrs. Little: Katie Floyd – Mac Power Users Podcast
Santa’s Helper: Chuck Tomasi –
Santa: Larry Pesce – Podcast
Judge: Victor Cajiao – Typical Mac User Podcast – Typical Shutterbug Podcast
Andrew Carnagie: Andy Helsby – Absoblogginlutely!
J.P. Morgan: Grant Bichocco –
UPS Guy: Paul Asadoorian- Podcast
Skipper: Rylie Starcher

Tip of the Hat to the old Christmas Commodore 64 Demo

Previous FiT Holiday Specials:

This has been a Friends in Tech Production.

A Geek Christmas Story is Coming Soon!

Friends in Tech’s Annual Christmas Special is almost finished and will arrive in iTunes in just a few days. This year’s show is our own geeky version of the Jean Shepard story, A Christmas Story!

Come and hear if little Mattie can get the computer of his dreams for Christmas.

Listen to A Geek Christmas Story Trailer

Subscribe to the Friends in Tech Podcast Feed in iTunes and receive A Geek Christmas Story automatically.

Audio: Stay in control of your RSS Feed from PodCampAZ

Douglas speaks at PodCampAZ 2009 in Phoenix, Arizona on “Stay in control of your RSS feeds.”

Links mentioned in this presentation:

New Media Interchange

New Media Interchange Community Site

Feedburner Powerpress

Listen to the entire presentation (45 Mins)


Audio: My Podcast Process from PodCampAZ 2009

Douglas speaks at PodCampAZ 2009 in Phoenix, Arizona on “My Podcast Process.”

Links mentioned in this presentation:


New Media Interchange

New Media Interchange Community Site


Listen to the entire presentation (55 Mins)


Audio: Happy Halloween – Ghosts of the Internet 2009 LIVE Reading

Last night, hosted their annual Ghosts of the Internet Live Reading of Halloween and Spooky Stories. If you didn’t get a chance to join us live, you can now listen to this encore presentation via podcast.




Ghosts of the Internet Live Reading Ghosts of the Internet Live Reading Ghosts of the Internet Live Reading

More photos

Audio: Douglas talks WordPress on Small Business Hosting podcast posted an interview I did last week talking about the uses and differences between‘s hosted blogs and the WordPress software available from

Listen to the entire interview (30 Mins)

[audio:] Vs With Douglas Welch

On this episode I talk with Douglas Welch about the differences between and and when you might want to use vs is hosted and managed by automattic (the company behing wordpress). If you choose you don’t install or control the software. is the home of the open source wordpress software. […]

Continue reading…

Audio: Douglas talks New Media on the Handbell Podcast

Douglas E. Welch talks New Media to the listeners of the Handbell Podcast, hosted by Dean Jensen and Paul Weller.

Listen (54 minutes)


Webinar: New Media: So many options to try for the eLearning Guild

This presentation was given as a webinar for the eLearning Guild as part of its E-Learning 2.0 and Beyond – Practical Real-World Solutions Using New Technology Approaches series. (Length: 1 hour 14 minutes))