What I’m Reading: The Second Coming of the KKK – 62 in a series – “Klan rhetoric not only featured masculinist language…”

“Klan rhetoric not only featured masculinist language, appealing to “real Men,” but also employed feminine labels to shame enemies. “Remember when you come to lodge that this is not an old maid’s convention,” the minutes of an Oregon chapter read.2

An Oregon Klan political candidate called an anti-Klan newspaper a “poor old female . . . busy feathering its nest,” while a Klan minister spoke of his contempt for “mollycoddle Masons” and “softshell” preachers who urged ecumenism.”

The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition by Linda Gordon

What I'm Reading: The Second Coming of the KKK - 1 in a series

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