New experiences – End of the Day for January 26, 2014

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New experiences are always broadening for the mind and can help us extend ourselves in other parts of our lives. My son was recently asked to participate in (quite an elaborate) Sweet Sixteen party for a classmate at his school. This meant rehearsal for him and for us, meeting, taking and eating with new people, new families and new places. Sometimes I can be quite adverse to reaching outside my comfort zone, but I also find that low-key events like this are just about right for me. I do love talking with people and new people, with new stories, new ideas and new opinions usually make for very interesting conversations. Today was no exception. There was lots of good conversation and also, as is the case with many family and friends gatherings, great food to accompany it.

It is good to seek out new experiences whenever and wherever possible. You don’t need to do something entirely crazy. Even finding a new way to work, a new path to walk, some new music to listen to can help you find new places within yourself. I mentioned a few days ago about how I have started to listen to different types of music again, I had become a bit limited in my listening and it felt good to stretch out my sensibilities again. It is so easy to fall into a rut in our lives, but even small things like this can give a nudge in new directions.

What new experiences can you seek out? Which ones present themselves to you without you even asking? These are often the most important and fulfilling ones – these accidental experiences.  Accept them when they come along. Let them lead you where they may. You never know what you might find there.

Previously on End of the Day:


  1. Pingback: My Word with Douglas E. Welch » Working for a living – End of the Day for January 27, 2014

  2. Pingback: My Word with Douglas E. Welch » …but it’s the middle of the night – End of the Day for January 28, 2014

  3. Pingback: My Word with Douglas E. Welch » Good food is easy to find — End of the Day for January 29, 2014

  4. Pingback: My Word with Douglas E. Welch » Long weeks and short weekends – End of the Day for January 30, 2014

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