2012 Gift Guide: Bulb Planting Tools

Bulb Planting tools

I regularly plant 75-100 new bulbs in my garden each year and tools like these are invaluable in the process. I am often planting bulbs in areas outside of prepared garden beds so that they “naturalize” around my garden. These means tough soil, tree roots and a generally hard time breaking the soil. Tools like these really help in that regard. The manual bulb planter can work in many areas, as long as the ground is somewhat soft, but for those hard to dig areas the “roto-planter” — basically a small augur for your drill, breaks through even the toughest places.

I love my bulbs and perennials in general, which his why I try to plenty more each year. They are truly a gift that keeps on giving year after year.



More 2012 Gift Guide Items:

  1. Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
  2. Blue Snowball USB Microphone
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