What I’m Reading: The Second Coming of the KKK – 63 in a series – “Klan crime talk sounded a steady drumbeat announcing the collapse of law and order.”


“Klan crime talk sounded a steady drumbeat announcing the collapse of law and order. In fact, the Klan became the leading law-and-order spokes group in the 1920s. Its crime talk functioned as a potent recruitment strategy, kindling fear and promising a satisfying moral superiority to potential members. Crime discourse also evoked resentment, typically shared by police, that criminals were going free through trivial, procedural legal loopholes. Law-and-order talk could thus authorize action outside the law.”


The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition by Linda Gordon

What I'm Reading: The Second Coming of the KKK - 1 in a series

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