10 Bits of Cooking Savvy We Picked Up Hanging Out in the Kitchen via Food52

I have learned most — if not all – all my best cooking tricks from watching others, whether that is television chefs on the Food Network or Maria Gaetana in Agira — looking over her shoulder while she fried up cotoletta vittelo (Veal Cutlets) for pranza while all the other uomini (men) stood outside on the balcony smoking.
So, as a reinforcement of learning by watching, here are 10 great ideas you can apply in your kitchen — hopefully to great success! — Douglas
In the same way that I’m in awe of friends who have learned new languages by “immersion”—but how do you start, I’ve wondered? And what keeps you from just, you know, staying silent for all of eternity?—I am also confounded by older, wiser, better cooks who tell me that I’ll learn to cook by, well, cooking.
But how? It never seemed to add up. I’ve held a brain in biology class, and it really isn’t very much like a sponge.

And yet, when I think back to how I cooked five years ago, and think about the knowledge that I seem to have osmosed, I’m shocked to realize that just the act of cooking is also an act of learning. Nearly every recipe—even those not billed as life-changing—has a valuable tidbit or takeaway that can be applied to other future recipes.
Read 10 Bits of Cooking Savvy We Picked Up Hanging Out in the Kitchen via Food52

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