Elsewhere: New Media Challenge 2012-001 – Nature


Join me over at the New Media Interchange site for this first New Media Challenge of the New Year! — Douglas


Let’s get the New Year started right with our first New Media Challenge of 2012!

New Media Challenge 2012-001 – Nature

Get outside and show us all some piece of nature in your area.

This could be your garden, a national park, or “weeds” growing in an urban vacant lot. You get to decide what to show and how to present it. Post  a link to your video, photos, writing or more here by Sunday, January 8, 2012.

Use the comments link (click the number next to the little text bubble above) to add a link to this post.

New Media Challenges are designed to give you an excuse to stretch your New Media muscles. You can use whatever media you like to complete the challenge including audio, video, photography, writing and more.

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