Tip: Using typographical elements as graphics in blog posts

You may have noticed here that I sometimes like to use typographical elements — like the ?, ! and @ – as graphic elements in a blog post. Rather than go through the trouble of creating a JPEG, uploading it to the site and then linking it in with the IMG tag, I use this small bit of code below to render it out as text. Inline CSS styles allow me to easily size and position the element. This should work in nearly any blogging system, like WordPress and render properly in most or all browsers. You might also imagine using special characters like bullet signs, ™ and © symbols and more.

If you are looking for a quick way to dress up a blog post, give it a try.


This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element. This is some sample text to show you the positioning of the typographical element.

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