Case Study: Capturing your content to create months of programming

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Last Sunday, I was part of an event that provides an almost perfect case study on how organizations can capture content and then use it to promote their organization throughout the year.

The UCLA Extension Writers’ Program held their annual Writers’ Faire that gives potential students a sneak peak into the classes the program offers. This year’s event included 24 individual panel discussions in 6 rooms over 4 hours. Each panel discussion lasted about 40 minutes.

Imagine, now, that you were able to capture all of these sessions on audio or video. In my own personal case, I recorded to both my iRiver MP3 player and my iPod 5.5G using a Belkin TuneTalk Microphone attachment. It took nothing more than setting it on the table in front of us and pressing the record button. There are many other, easy choices for recording though, including DAT tape, memory card recorders or even a laptop with a microphone and free recording software.

Once you gathered these sessions, you can quickly edit them into finished podcasts, ready for distribution from your web site or through your blog’s RSS feed. This doesn’t require any special skills that can’t be gathered in about an hour’s worth of training. You trim the head and tail of the audio you recorded, removing any extraneous information. Then you add a nice intro explaining where these recordings came from and giving the link to your web site. Then you export them as MP3 files.

Now, after only about 3 hours of work, you have 24 individual podcasts – enough for a regularly scheduled, twice-monthly podcast for an entire year! Remember, this is from content you would have created anyway. The only difference is this time, you captured it. Add a few interviews or speakers recorded during the rest of the year and you could easily have a weekly show – all designed to educate your students, customers or donors and convince them to use your services – using content you have already created.

The influence of these shows grows and grows, too. Not only can you release them on your own site, but those involved can also link from their own personal web sites, spreading your message further and further. If you captured video, you can also place your shows on the various video sharing sites, like YouTube and on social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace.

I hope that this small case study has given you the impetus to insure that you capture every bit of content you are creating today. Most companies simply throw content away, letting it disappear into the past, despite the face that hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of people would love to see or hear it.

Do you want to learn more about how your company or organization can capture content and put it to use promoting your services or products? Write me at, comment on this blog post, or call the listener line at 818-804-5049

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