Give it some time!

Gplus screen

Can I make a request to my fellow, tech-oriented members of my social media circles?
Can you live with a change, a new device, a new piece of software, a new online service for more than .952 nanoseconds before pronouncing it one of the following options?
  • Apple Killer
  • iPad Killer
  • Facebook Killer
  • Totally destroys the service
  • Totally destroys privacy
  • Totally destroys the world
  • Worst Change Ever! (In Comic Book Man’s Voice)
I know there is an overwhelming desire to be “FIRST!” in everything, but frankly it is just plain annoying. Even worse, it does nothing to further the conversation. All it is is egocentric social media masturbation.
I can hear the wheels turning in your head…
“If I’m right, then I can ride on that for years. I was the one the predicted the failure of Google+, Personal Search, Facebook Timeline, etc.!
If I’m wrong, no one will remember. WIN! and WIN!”
To make a real-world analogy, you would go buy a new dog, but the first time it failed to do a trick, clean up after itself or fetch you a beer, you would return it to the store demanding a refund.
The first time the mail carrier put your mail all in one direction instead of the other, it would be cause for 1000 words on the proper way to deliver mail.
Want to know what’s worse? After a while we all start to tune you out. In most cases we can already predict what you are going to say AND after a while, we don’t really care. Ouch!
You can try to talk louder, faster, bitchier, snarkier, stupider, but you already lost the game. We have moved on to someone who considers more and writes less.
Come on! We are all better than this. Can we live with new things for a while? Can we investigate what makes them good, bad or indifferent? Can we stop wanting to be “FIRST!” and see what something really does before we go out spewing unknowledgeable claptrap just to stroke our own egos and hear ourselves talk!
How about we all agree to a a 1 week moratorium on new features, services and software? 1 day? Anything?

I figure not because the desire to be “FIRST!” burns too brightly in the hearts of those who would rather be FIRST than right.

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