YouTube Education uses New Media to spur lifetime learning

Online education seems to be exploding of late and the biggest New Media powerhouse is helping to spread the message.

YouTube Education

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YouTube EDU brings learners and educators together in a global video classroom. On YouTube EDU, you have access to a broad set of educational videos that range from academic lectures to inspirational speeches and everything in between.

Come here for quick lessons from top teachers around the world, course lectures from top-tier universities, or inspiring videos to spark your imagination.

Youtube education

YouTube Education collect and organizes a wide variety of educational material for easy searching and watching. These include short lectures and demonstrations from teachers from all over the world and full college level seminars for this that really want to dive in.

Lifetime learning is a great use of New Media. It brings directly into your home, office and school information and education that was tied up in academic silos accessible only by a few. While you can’t get your degree online via YouTube Education, you can certainly improve your knowledge in whatever topic interest you most.

Link: YouTube Education

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