Video: Tomatomania 2011: Scenes and Interview

I produced this video for my “A Gardener’s Notebook” blog and podcast and thought I would share the results of this New Media project here, as well. – Douglas

Douglas E. Welch from A Gardener’s Notebook visits Tomatomania 2011 in Encino, California. He interviews Scott Daigre, organizer of Tomoatomania at a dozen locations across the country and chats with a few of the tomato buyers, many who come back year after year. Tomatomania hosts over 250 varieties for sale at each location from beefsteak, to plum, to cherry tomotoes and everything in-between.

Despite grey skies in usually sunny Encino, seedings were flying off the lot by the cartload. All ages were represented from long-time growers to kids eager to help Mom and Dad select just the right plants.

See http://Tomatomania. com for more information on future events in California and on the East Coast of America.

Download “Tomatomania 2011: Scenes and Interview” – iPod Ready format

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