Audio: Making the Case for Using Media for e-Learning

This talk was part for the eLearning Guild’s Online Forum 2010. A Slidecast and video are coming soon.

Making the Case for Using Media for e-Learning

The physical and creative aspects of media are easier than ever before, but sometimes there are those people that must be sold on the usefulness of using media for e-Learning. It always pays to ask “Why?” about any use of technology, and New Media is no exception.

Participants in this session will learn the many reasons why companies and individuals should be using media. The intimacy, ease of delivery, and information richness of New Media puts it far above the all other methods. When used in combination with text and graphics, audio and video enhance learning in a variety of ways. This session will give you the “ammunition” to sell the use of media to your managment.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why New Media and why now?
  • How audio and video enhance the learning experience
  • How you can “sell” New Media to your management
  • How your learners can best be served by delivering information via media

Listen to “Making the Case for Using Media for e-Learning”

Download slides for “Making the Case for Using Media for e-Learning”

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