(Update 12/19/2009 – 1341 PST – Received links on how to export and import database into new 5.0 version of the database. Working with some knowledgeable others to help me do the process.)
(Update 12/19/2009 – 1024 PST – Looks as if my main database is still in mySQL 4.0 format although GoDaddy support 5.0. Probably never had need to upgrade DB since I moved there. Support email sent in on how to upgrade database)
Hmmm. Upgrading your WordPress installations is typically a part of good system management, but when trying to install the latest version of WordPress 2.9 this morning I received the following error.
Upgrade WordPress
Downloading update from http://wordpress.org/wordpress-2.9.zip.Unpacking the update.
The update cannot be installed because WordPress 2.9 requires MySQL version 4.1.2 or higher. You are running version 4.0.27.
Installation Failed
I am not sure if this effects all of GoDaddy’s shared servers or just mine, but it could effect a lot of people if their default install of mySQL is this version.
What are you experiencing with WordPress 2.9 installs on shared servers?