Yes, just like many of you, I have a cold. Blah. Blah! BLAH! Joe was out of school on Monday, IIRC, and last night I started to feel the telltale tickle in my throat. That kept me from sleeping very well overnight, but thankfully I didn’t feel totally lousy, as I often do when I catch a cold. I stayed in my pajamas all day, wrapped in my robe, listened to the sometimes heavy rain on the roof and watched the back patio flood several times. That is always my judge on how heavy it is raining. Normal steady showers don’t cause cause much backup, but when it gets really heavy it can quickly fill 3-5 inches deep. Luckily it disperses quite quickly once the rain slows down. I am not feeling too bad tonight, so given a good night’s rest, I should be mostly functional tomorrow. This is quite a big change from the past, where I could carry a horrible cold, or bronchitis, for weeks. I credit the weight loss with being able to fight off these things a little better these days, but don’t really know if that effects it or not.
Back porch during a previous rain storm
Tomorrow looks like a rainy continuation of today, so I’ll probably spend most of my day working and catching up on those things I didn’t complete today. My video content slowed down over the last week for a variety of reasons and the cold did me in. I need to record at least an “In the garden…” episode and another WordPress Wednesday. I am also trying to get my Blogging 101 series off the ground, but I want to maintain the flow of these original series before I try to take on another. This is one challenge of working by and for yourself, of course. There is no one to take up the slack when you aren’t able to work at 100%. This is a big reason I find it so frustrating when I get sick. I have a rolling to-do list of 40-50 items at any one time. Some are small, 1 -step items and others are longer, more involved projects which I then break into smaller and smaller pieces. Failing to make progress on this list though doesn’t just mean I am staying in the same place. Instead, I easily fall behind because even when I am sick new to-do items keep getting added. The treadmill never ends and just keeps getting faster. I do strike some items off the list, though, when I realize I can’t do them, don’t want to do them or they have been made redundant by new items.
“So now it is time to say goodbye to all our company!” One small sick day task completed. Time to go and recharge to another day of making things happen!

Previously on End of the Day:
- In the still of the night — End of the Day for February 27, 2014
- Rain, Glorious, Rain — End of the Day for February 26, 2014
- Small Town California – End of the Day for February 25, 2014
- In sickness and in health – End of the Day for February 24, 2014
- All the world’s a stage – The Magic of Theater — End of the Day for February 23, 2014
- Self-doubt — End of the Day for February 22, 2014
- An evening out — End of the Day for February 21, 2014
- …and the days roll by — End of the Day for February 20, 2014
- You are getting sleepy — very, very sleepy… — End of the Day for February 19, 2014
- Sitting around talking — and making the world a better place, I hope — End of the Day for February 18, 2014
- Holiday over, now back to work! — End of the Day for February 17, 2014
- Take a Picture Already — End of the Day for February 16, 2014
- An “At Home” Day — End of the Day for February 15, 2014
- Truly the end of the day — End of the Day for February 14, 2014
- Grandpa Claude’s Birthday – End of the Day for February 13, 2014
- Why do we do what we do? — End of the Day for February 12, 2014
- 50! — End of the Day for February 11, 2014
- The Dad Cycle — End of the Day for February 10, 2014
- Stillness, silence and sand — End of the Day for February 9, 2014
- Parental Robots? – End of the Day for February 8, 2014
- Topics of (dis)interest – End of the Day for February 7, 2014
- Home again — End of the Day for February 6, 2014
- …but Mom, he followed me home! — End of the Day for February 5, 2014
- All parenting is ad lib – End of the Day for February 4, 2014
- A little bit of this and a little bit of nothing – End of the Day for February 3, 2014
- Was that rain on the roof? – End of the Day for February 2, 2014
- Growing up – End of the Day for February 1, 2014
- End of the Day for January 2014
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