Changes in the office – End of the Day for January 17, 2014

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(Music: “Vibe Ace” by Kevin MacLeod,, Under Creative Commons License)

Change can feel really, really, really weird sometimes, even when it is something relatively small. I spent most of my day dismantling my main computer and desk and rearranging my home office so that workers can come tomorrow and install new windows in this part of the house. This desk and the computers on it, probably haven’t moved in over 15 years. Sure computers and equipment have come and gone, but everything has stayed pretty much the same over the years. It is amazing how freaky it can feel to tear my system apart, piece by piece (and there are a lot of pieces.) I had to mark the parts so that I could match up power supplies, cables and such once I put it back together.

Staring at empty desktop felt very disconcerting, although I am not sure I could tell you exactly why. It is such a small thing, but it felt a bit like my world was being turned upside down. The change in physical appearance was one thing, but then I had to think about how I was going to accomplish my usual work — along with this column — when my main computer was sitting in a box in the corner. It was a feeling like forgetting your phone or being alone in a foreign country where you don’t speak much of the language. Things just feel “off”. Maybe I am just more sensitive to this, as I am typically more sensitive about all things, but I am sure you can understand what I am talking about. Perhaps it is the fact that I spend so much time here in my home office these days. This is where I both live and work, so it means more to me that it might otherwise.

Of course, tomorrow, the windows will be torn out and then replaced with new units and everything will be much nicer. We are probably finally going to pull up the old carpet, too, and live with the cement floor and rugs for a while until we decide what to put down in its place. . I also plan on upgrading my power and cable management and I will be sharing my desk now with my 16-year-old son, which is a big change in itself. His new gaming PC will sit to my right and a new charging station for all our mobile equipment will take over the corner unit of the L-shaped desk. This is all change, but there is an energy and desire in change, too It will all work out for best in the end, you jut have to get through the rough stuff before it gets better.

You will probably be able to hear me muttering to myself for the next few days — change is good, change is good, change is good.

How do you feel about change? How does change make you feel? What changes do you really want or need to make? Sometimes it can take a little outside force to get moving. Don’t ignore it when it arrives. Tell me about your challenges with change in the comments, via email or via social media.

Previously on End of the Day:


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