Career Opportunities

Helping to build the career you deserve!

A weekly ComputorEdge Column and twice-weekly podcast by Douglas E. Welch
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

When podcasting is your job - An interview with Kevin Devin

This is a special from Careers in Podcasting and New Media...

Listen to this show

Careers in Podcasting and New LogoIn this interview, I talk with Kevin Devin, founder of Friends in Tech and former co-host of In The Trenches: The Podcast for Sys Admins.

When faced with the outsourcing of his traditional IT position, Kevin was able to use his podcasting skills to create a new position for himself in the company.

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iTunes Review | Call the Reader/Listener Line @ 818-804-5049

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

John Braheny and Douglas E. Welch Interview

John Braheny and Douglas E. Welch
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
Here is a shot taken of John Braheny and myself taken after our interview on May 8, 2007. I had a great time with this interview and I hope you found it interesting as well.

If you missed the LIVE edition of the interview, simply scroll down on this page and you will find it.

More pictures from that night taken by JoAnn Braheny:

Douglas E. Welch in his home studio during interview John Braheny John Braheny

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Monday, May 07, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Manager Tools: Interviews - The Introduction

You will never hear me claim to the expert on interviewing strategy, so I offer up this podcast from the folks at Manager tools to get you off on the right foot.

Like everything at Manager Tools, this podcast offers a clear, step-by-step approach that can give you an edge in any interview situation.

Be aware, this podcast is part of the Manager Tools Members Only section and will require a FREE registration to gain access. Trust me, though, it is well worth the time if you plan on interviewing anywhere soon.

Manager Tools - Tools for Leaders and Managers : Blog Archive : Interviews - The Introduction

In this cast, you’ll learn how to handle the crucial first five to ten minutes of any interview - Introductions. It is absolutely true that this is a critical part of the interview - first impressions are being formed, and I’d bet 75% of interviewers have a strong indication of how it’s going to go by the time this portion is done. That translates into our gut feeling that this is where 75% of technical interviewees fail. It’s THAT important.

(Via Manager Tools - Tools for Leaders and Managers.)

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Douglas talks computer consulting on the SOHO Technology Podcast - Part 2

SoHo Technology Podcast logoDean Jensen, of the SoHo Technology Podcast had me on for a series of talks on computer consulting and the second segment appeared today.

More segments will be forthcoming over the next few weeks.

Listen: SoHo Technology Podcast with Dean Jensen

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Interview with Jo Ann Braheny - Creativity and Your Career

Career Opportunities podcast logoA LIVE interview with Jo Ann Braheny, creativity expert and writer of Goosing Your Muse, a creativity blog.

This Friday: March 3, 2007: Playing "the enforcer" could put your career at risk

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Support Career Opportunities:

iTunes Review | Career-Op Forums | | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Recommended: Manager Tools Podcast

Manager Tools Podcast Logo

On the recommendation of a fellow Friends in Tech member -- Chuck Tomasi -- I began to listen to the Manager Tools podcast with Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman. I have been very impressed with what I have heard and wanted to take a moment to recommend the podcast to all of you.

Now, don't let title put you off. Even if you are not a manager there is a lot of useful information to be had here. Listening to the podcast can help you to better understand your managers and develop ways to manage yourself not matter what your position in a company.

In each podcast, Michael and Mark, provide step-by-step instructions to approach and manage a host of management situations.

You can subscribe to Manager Tools by visiting the web site or subscribe directly using iTunes.

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