Career Opportunities

Helping to build the career you deserve!

A weekly ComputorEdge Column and twice-weekly podcast by Douglas E. Welch
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Career-Op Skypecast 002 from May 26, 2006

Our 2nd Skypecast where we discuss ways of countering unsatisfying jobs, gaps in your work history and telework.

Skypecasts are live teleconferences with up to 100 people available via the free Skype software. Visit their web site for more information on Skypecasts.

Add our next Career-Op Skypecast to your calendar today

Friday, July 7, 2006 @ 6 PM PDT/9 PM EDT/1 AM GMT

* Direct links to the Skypecast will be posted here as soon as they become available

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Photos from MacGathering

After the show...
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
My Flickr account now has a series of photos taken by Alex Bellanger a the MacGathering conference on May 20, 2006.

Click the picture to take you there.

Thanks Marv!

Thanks go out to Marv in Hawaii for dropping $20 in the Career Opportunities Tip Jar! These donations help in a number of ways.

First, they allow me to provide access to the entire Career Opportunities print archive and podcast archives by covering web site hosting fees.

Second, they let me know that you appreciate Career Opportunities and the information it provides.

Finally, it allows me to continue to improve the quality of the web site and podcast through purchases of new hardware and software.

Thanks again!

If you find this podcast helpful, please leave a donation for the author.

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Friday, May 26, 2006

What if it were you? - May 26, 2006

It has happened to all of us. You get the call, or the email, "The boys upstairs say we have to do XYZ." Then, often without question, we do exactly that, no matter how wrong we might think the action. There are several flaws to such blind obedience and we see them nearly every day. [Continue Reading]

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Career-Op Skypecast - Join the live Discussion - May 26

Next Friday, May 26, 2006 at 6 pm PDT will be our next Skypecast, a regular discussion forum for Career Opportunities.

I have often had readers and listeners wish that they could chat with myself or others after reading/listening to each weeks column. Skype's new SkypeCast feature offers us an opportunity and online location to do just that. You will find full instructions, and links to the free Skype program, at

If you want to discuss this week's Career-Op column, past columns or ask questions about your own career, join us this Friday.

Please be aware that Skypecast is a public meeting place, like your local pub, and it is in beta, so technical issues and people issues may abound. When you join the Skypecast, please wear headphones ( to avoid audio feedback) and mute your microphone by default.

I will be using the "Ask for the Microphone" feature in Skypecast to call on each person who wants to speak. You will find this button at the top of the Skypecast web window that opens when you join.

Join the SkypeCast next Friday, May 26, 2006 at 6 pm PDT

Oahu Career-Op Meetup

I will be visiting the island of Oahu from June 17 through June 29 and some listeners have expressed interest in an informal "meetup" while I am there. It would be great to meet face-to-face, so let's put something together.

If you live on the island and would like to get together over a nice cafe latte, drop me an email at career (at) Let me know if you prefer weeknight or weekend, and if you have a favorite coffee bar that might function as our meeting place.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

All good things - from the archives

While you often spend a lot of time focused on getting a new job or landing that next client, all good things must come to an end at some point. It is important to remember that how you leave a job is just as important has how you start one. If you have problems at the end of a relationship, it can damage your reputation and your entire high-tech career. [Continue Reading]

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Event: Geek Dinner LA

Another Geek Dinner LA is on the schedule. Come by and join your fellow geeks in their revels.

Here is the skinny from Heathervescent, Your Host

Greetings Geeks!

Are you ready for more? Well, it’s time for another Geek dinner.

Save the date: Tuesday June 13th at 8pm for the next meeting.

What to expect:

This is an open forum to continue discussions from BarCamp. We’re here to share ideas and meet like minded geeks in Los Angeles. There will be a speaker for 10-15 minutes to demo a new product or share interesting technology. If you have a topic request or something to share, please let me know.

Please pass this invite on to anyone you think would be interested or join the google group

You can RSVP to me or on the GeekDinner Page

Detailed information coming soon. As always, ping me with questions.

Cheers, Heather

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Education: Podcast Panel from MacGathering, including Douglas and other LA Podcasters

For those of you who might be thinking of starting your own podcast, here is some great information.

Several LA Podcasters members participated in the Birds of a Feather Podcasters Discussion at MacGathering: The Macintosh Computer Expo for Southern California

A Podcasting Discussion, complete with a panel top Southern California Podcasters to answer your questions or discuss various podcasting issues.

Moderator: Shelly Brisbin


Listen to this podcast

Friday, May 19, 2006

Damaged - May 19, 2006

It is a sad fact that, especially in high-tech careers, some workers have been so damaged by their work experiences they have lost all hope of ever having a fulfilling career. They feel beaten down, used up and cast aside by their employers and sometimes by their co-workers. After nearly 10 years of writing this column, and 20-year career in high-tech companies, I have met or talked with many such people. The most damaged have resigned themselves to lives of "quiet desperation", bemoaning the tedious or destructive elements of their work. They no longer try to change their career. They simply exist and remain day in and day out in a job they hate. [Continue Reading]

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mentioned: Skypecasts for libraries |

Our latest mention appeared on the Library Laws web site (
Skypecasts for libraries |

"Driving home tonight I listened to my first Skypecast. In my case it was special edition of the excellent Career Opportunities podcast. Author and podcaster Douglas Welch used Skypecast to do an audio question and answer forum. Listeners joined the Skypecast and asked questions about Welch's take on the IT job market and ethics in the IT consulting realm..." [Link]

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mentioned: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Cube

Mike McBride, blogger at Out of the Frying Pan and into the Cube gave Career-Op a mention last week.

Check out Mike's site where, in his own words he says, "Wherein I describe my journey from one-man IT Department for a not for profit organization to helpdesk jockey in a medium-sized law firm."

"The second reference was in Douglas Welch's Career Opportunities podcast, this one titled Invest in Yourself. One of the suggestions Douglas made toward the end of this column was to take advantage of libraries as a resource to find tech learning tools. When you don't have the cash to spend on expensive textbooks, or manuals, sometimes borrwing them from the library and getting to work on learning what's in the book is a great, free, way to increase your knowledge. I can attest to that. Many of the skills I've learned over the years have been as a result of materials I picked up at the library. There was a point in my life where I had plenty of time to work with those materials, but no money to buy my own. The local library became an important resource to me." [Link]

Thanks for the link, Mike!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Our First Skypecast - IT job market, ethics and more - May 16, 2006

Our first Skypecast where we discuss the IT job market, ethics and more. Watch the blog for more information on our next Skypecast.

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Career-Op Skypecast this Friday

This Friday, May 12, 2006 at 6 pm PDT will be the first of what could become a weekly discussion forum for Career Opportunities.

I have often had readers and listeners wish that they could chat with myself or others after reading/listening to each weeks column. Skype's new SkypeCast feature offers us an opportunity and online location to do just that. You will find full instructions, and links to the free Skype program, at

If you want to discuss this week's Career-Op column, past columns or ask questions about your own career, join us this Friday.

Please be aware that Skypecast is a public meeting place, like your local pub, and it is in beta, so technical issues and people issues may abound. When you join the Skypecast, please wear headphones ( to avoid audio feedback) and mute your microphone by default.

I will be using the "Ask for the Microphone" feature in Skypecast to call on each person who wants to speak. You will find this button at the top of the Skypecast web window that opens when you join.

Join the SkypeCast this Friday, May 12, 2006 at 6 pm PDT

High-Tech Super Hero - May 12, 2006

There are days when I wish I had some super power that allowed me to sense when someone was about to make a nasty high-tech mistake. Then I could swoop in, act as translator and ombudsman and save countless hours and dollars on my client’s behalf. Instead, though, I am forced to field the early morning phone calls where a client explains how some software upgrade or network change has reduced their computer systems to nothing more than a pile of worthless wires and switches, worth more for its copper content than anything else. [Continue Reading]

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Investing in yourself - from the archives

Everyone seems to be focused on the stock market lately, but there are much more important investments for the high-tech careerist to consider. I am not talking about stock options or day trading. When it comes to your career, the biggest investment you can make is in yourself. Too often high tech workers are so busy getting the job done they forget that there are better ways of doing the job. [Continue Reading]

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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Career-Op 10th and 2nd Anniversary Parties - July 2006

Hello all Career-Op Readers and Listeners,

I am starting to put together ideas for a 10th Anniversary Party for Career
Opportunities, here in Los Angeles and, possibly, also in San Diego. This
would also be the celebration of the 200th episode and 2nd Anniversary of
the Career-Op Podcast.

The actual anniversary occurs in July and this would be a good month for me
to spare some time and having some fun.

  • Are you interested in attending?
  • Any locations to recommend?
    • (I have a few ideas in both towns). Is the Living Room still open in San Diego?)

  • Should we have an online connection to those who can't be with us in
    • Skypecast?
    • Chatroom?

Let me know your ideas in the Career-Op Mailing List or on the
Career-Op Forums at Friends In Tech.

Elsewhere Online: A Job Worth Having from

How do you know when a job has gone sour? Too many of us stay in jobs long after they cease to be fulfilling. has some great questions that you should ask yourself on a regular basis.

A Job Worth Having

Financial needs that are a large part of what makes people seek employment, but the money side of work doesn’t go far in making a job feel like something worth doing. It won't make up for a job that is frustrating, boring, inconsequential or just plain dull.



Link: Previous mentions of

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Friday, May 05, 2006

Keep your head in the game - May 5, 2006

Spring is here, and I am finding myself at the ball field each weekend for Little League practices and games. In fact, as I write, my son Joe is catching for his team. Watching a group of 7-9-year-olds struggle with the fundamentals of a game can be very enlightening. You quickly begin to see parallels between new ball players and new high-tech careerists. Using sports metaphors in business is a bit cliche, especially for someone as un-athletic as myself, but writers continue to use them because, sometimes, they are most appropriate. [Continue Reading]

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Creative Inversion - Why do you feel creatively empty?

Wow, here is a podcast for all of us.

Todd Henry of The Accidental Creative, hits the nail on the head with his episode, Creative Inversion.

He is talking generically about creativity, but I think all of us will recognize ourselves in his descriptions. Don't let Creative Inversion suck the life out of your career!

Link: The Accidental Creative

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Art of Managing Yourself - from the archives

If there is any secret to a successful high-tech career, it could be the ability to self-manage your life and your work. If you can manage to get things done even when you feel you have too many bosses, or too few, you are already ahead of many of your peers. [Continue Reading]

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