Recommended: Manager Tools Podcast

On the recommendation of a fellow Friends in Tech member -- Chuck Tomasi -- I began to listen to the Manager Tools podcast with Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman. I have been very impressed with what I have heard and wanted to take a moment to recommend the podcast to all of you.
Now, don't let title put you off. Even if you are not a manager there is a lot of useful information to be had here. Listening to the podcast can help you to better understand your managers and develop ways to manage yourself not matter what your position in a company.
In each podcast, Michael and Mark, provide step-by-step instructions to approach and manage a host of management situations.
You can subscribe to Manager Tools by visiting the web site or subscribe directly using iTunes.
Technorati Tags: howto, how-to, career, job, jobs, work, workplace, podcast, tutorial, training, interview, learning, education, management, manager
Labels: career, education, how-to, howto, interview, job, jobs, learning, management, manager, podcast, training, tutorial, work, workplace
Thanks for your kind words. We're glad you're getting value from our work. We really believe in managers, and want to help everyone become highly effective.
Mark Horstman
Manager Tools
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