Engage with Transition from Transition is the New Normal 2016 with Douglas E. Welch [Audio] (1:01)

A clip from the presentation, “Transition is the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on March 4, 2016

Watch this entire presentation

Engage with Transition from Transition is the New Normal 2016 with Douglas E. Welch

Listen to this clip



Another important fact is that you have to engage with transition. Too many people put up their hands and go, “Oh my god, I can’t…” and they crawl into their little hole and they pull in the dirt after them. “I don’t want to deal with it. Life is too much. Life is too crazy. Life changes too much.”

But, if you ignore transition — or try to ignore it, because you can’t really ignore it — if you try to ignore it, you suddenly take all your power over your life, your career, whatever, and go “Ah, somebody else. You take care of it.” You give up all that power. You give all that power to the person interviewing you. You give all that power to the EDD. You give all that power to somebody else and eventually you find out that that doesn’t work, because no one else can care as much about your career or your life as you do. it is simply impossible. We call be altruistic. We can all help others. We can give to charity. We can do these things, but when it comes down to it, only we can care about our lives as much as anybody else. 

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