Category Archives: Discussion

Question: What is the new image of a career?

Recently, I went searching for image ideas for a new Career Opportunities logo. A quick Google Image Search on Career turns up these images… Is this really the image of a career today? Are we still in a world of … Continue reading

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Career Question: What is one book or article that has helped you build your career in the last year?

If you are like me, reading books, magazine and web sites is a daily ritual. Reading great ideas from others is a wonderful way to have great ideas yourself. You need to constantly be priming the idea pump. New ideas, … Continue reading

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News: Panelists champion careers in social good

Everyone wants to make money in their career, but many of us also want to have the biggest effect possible on the world. We seek out ways to do good as well as live good using our work and enterprise … Continue reading

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Video: What is success…and why you might have it already! from CareerCampSCV 2012

Douglas E. Welch ( presents “What is success….and why you might have it already!” at CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2012 ( There has been a “perversion” of the meaning of success these days with only the extremely famous or rich … Continue reading

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Question for you: Does anyone get fired anymore?

I just sent this question our to Twitter, Facebook and Google+ and I am looking for your input.  [?] Does anyone get fired anymore? Is it even possible? Do they have to become a legal liability before you can fire … Continue reading

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Video: The Fine Art of Troubleshooting Anything from BarCampLA

Douglas presents what he has learned about troubleshooting over nearly 25 years of computer consulting and how it can be applied to many life situations outside of technology. If you enjoy this recipe video, please click Like and/or subscribe on … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities Course of Suggested Study: Creativity and Innovation

A self-directed education is a wonderful and productive thing. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to know where to aim your educational focus. To offer a bit of help with this, I have put together some resources around a particular … Continue reading

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Fire Me Now, I beg you! – great blog post and discussion

I came across this very interesting blog post and discussion thread today on Google+. Here is the original blog post that started the conversation. ROBBIE ABED’S PERSONAL BLOG: Fire Me Now, I beg you! In every situation I ask myself two … Continue reading

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Notes from #TChat on Talent Communities

Thanks to @ilovegarick, I checked into this evening’s #TChat – “At the intersection of talent and culture”, as it says on their web page. There was lots of talk about communities of all sorts, but especially about talent communities — people … Continue reading

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Counteroffer discussion on Google+. What do you think?

We are currently having an interesting discussion about counteroffers in the workplace over on Google+. Stop by and chime in with your comments. I would love to hear what you think. To join in, click the link below or Circle … Continue reading

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