Category Archives: Business

Companies should never ask for your social media login info

What do you think about this story? Add your comments! [View the story “Hands off our social media login info” on Storify] Read more on this topic: Panel: Social Media and Your Career – Registration now open! – Part of … Continue reading

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Elsewhere: Forbes: Top Executive Recruiters Agree There Are Only Three True Job Interview Questions

Mitch Krayton of Krayton Seminars (and co-chair of CareerCampSCV and others)  shared this Forbes article with me today. I would definitely put some credence to these 3 rules. Yes, there might be other specific issue involved in a particular job, … Continue reading

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Douglas is coming to Cleveland, Ohio on May 11, 2011

I am going to be in Cleveland, Ohio (and my hometown of New London) from Wed, May 11, 2011 to Sunday, May 15, 2011 to kick off Saturday6,  a new, garden blog project with Troy-Bilt. As I am arriving a … Continue reading

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Career-Op Gift Guide # 1: Linchpin by Seth Godin

# 1 Linchpin by Seth Godin If you have friends or family looking to start or build their career, any of Seth Godin’s books would be a great gift idea. Seth always has a new take on the work world, … Continue reading

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Audio: Tech Nation interview with Chip Heath on How to Change

I listened to this interview while driving around on consulting calls and I almost had to stop by the side of the road so I could make some notes. Even in this short interview, Chip Heath, gives some great, though-provoking, … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Books, Business, Discussion, interview, Podcast, Show | 2 Comments

Video: Music Business Careers with John Braheny

John Braheny, author of “The Craft and Business of Songwriting” presents Music Business Careers at CareerCampLA 2010. Download “Music Business Careers with John Braheny” – iPod Ready Video Read more on this topic: Video: Career Path Patterns: Why the corporate … Continue reading

Posted in Business, CareerCamp, Events, Podcast, Show, Video | Tagged | 1 Comment

Other interesting books mentioned in Tom Peter’s The Little Big Things

Update: Here is the completed list — Douglas One great aspect all of Tom Peter’s Books is how often he calls out other, very interesting, books. As I am reading The Little Big Things, I am collecting up these books … Continue reading

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Video: CareerCampLA: The Art of Networking Panel

Watch “The Art of Networking” – iPod Ready Video Jennifer “Jungle Jenny” Michaels (, Susan M. Baker from and Danielle Gruen of LivingCareers.Net present a panel on “The Art of Networking” at CareerCampLA 2010. Read more on this topic: … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Discussion, Elsewhere, Events, Podcast, Show, Special, Uncategorized, Video | 2 Comments

Seminar: The Bootstrap Sessions with Susan M. Baker ( and Nathan Hangen

I first met Susan M. Baker, from almost a year ago and I have thanked my lucky stars ever since. We recently co-chaired CareerCampLA and meet regularly together with some other great people for a monthly New Media Mastermind. … Continue reading

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Top 10 Posts from Career Opportunities for 2009

Here is a list of the top Career Opportunities posts for 2009 The Right Way to Resign Elsewhere Online: 100+ Ways to Write a Great Resume Cover Letter Recently on the Career Opportunities Forums Doug’s Neat Friends: Kim Sudhalter of … Continue reading

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