What I'm Reading...
A man both pious and scandalous -- brother of famous author Harriet Beecher Stowe and son of one of the most prominant Calvinist preachers of the era, Beecher rose and then fell into the depths of a vicious sex scandal. I am finding it a great source for this particular era of American history, one that I didn't know much about. I especially like that much of it takes place in Ohio, my home state.
The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More Can you really make money off the nichification of the marketplace? This book has become the darling of the Internet marketing set. I'll finally get a chance to see what all the hubbub is about. Technorati Tags: book, books, reading, toreadLabels: book, books, read, reading, toread
InBubbleWrap - Free Daily Book Giveaway
I received another package from InBubbleWrap today and it reminded me that I wanted to tell you about this great web site.  Each day, they hold a free contest to win a book (usually business-related) that they have found to be excellent. Once you set up a free account, you can return each day to read about the book being offered and enter the contest. They also have an RSS feed that allows you to monitor each day's offers. What could be simpler. The book that arrived today is "Treat Your Customers" by Bob Miglani I have now won about 5 books from InBubbleWrap and even when I don't win I get introduced to a host of new books each month. Many of these find their way into my "Books to Read" list in my journal, to be found at the local library or bookstore. Free is one of my favorite words (SMILE), with books being a close second, so this site is a daily stop on my Internet travels. From the InBubbleWrap web site... 1. What is inBubbleWrap?
Well to make a long story short, we love business. We love talking about it and we love doing business. iBW is our way to share this love (wrapped in Bubble Wrap) with you.
iBW is a site dedicated to giving you the opportunity to win FREE business related prizes. Each day (Monday – Friday) brings a new contest with new prizes for you to win. All prizes are business related whether it’s the latest set of business books, nifty office supplies or advice from a business book author.
New offers are launched daily at 9 a.m. (Central Time) and run for 24 hours.
Did we mention that everything is sent in Bubble Wrap? What could be better than free prizes and an afternoon of bubble popping entertainment? Just a note, when in an office cube, try to save all bubble popping until after office hours. Or wait until your coworker falls asleep on his desk as it would make for a good wake-up call (please, for the sake of your career, do not try this with your boss in hearing range). Technorati Tags: career, job, jobs, work, workplace, creativity, free, toread, read, reading, business, book, web, contestLabels: book, business, career, contest, creativity, free, job, jobs, read, reading, toread, web, work, workplace
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