Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Archive: You have a lot to say! — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Sitting around with friends over dinner, talk often turns to blogging and podcasting. They know I have been blogging for a while and that I was one of the first 20 podcasters and they often want to know more about … Continue reading

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Creating Opportunity — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

In this Year of Opportunity, one of your biggest goals should be create opportunity around you. It may sound odd, but yes, you have the ability to create your own opportunities through your own, direct actions. Creating opportunity requires some … Continue reading

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Subscribed 46: Scott Berkun – author and speaker on creativity, leadership, philosophy

This post was originally written for my blog, Careers in New Media, but the content that Scott presents lends itself to building the career you deserve, too. Check out his blog and other entries in the Subscribed series on Career … Continue reading

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Archive: Bad reputations follow you everywhere — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

All it takes is one indiscretion, one moment of anger, to brand you with a bad reputation. Even worse, once people develop an opinion of you as a troublemaker, they may see issues where none really exist. Sometimes, we can … Continue reading

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5 of My Favorite Career Things for December 2013

  As always, let me know what types of interesting items you would like to see and I will keep an eye out for them especially. — Douglas Get new shared links as I find them via my social media … Continue reading

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Top 20 Blog Posts for 2013 from the Career Opportunities Podcast

  Looking back over my stats, like a lot of folks today, I see that these were the Top 20 blog posts from Career Opportunities for 2013 The difference between your job, your work and your career The Right Way … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities Podcasts for 2013 – A complete list with links

  Did you miss any of my Career Opportunities Podcasts in 2013? Here is a complete list of both new and archive podcasts published this year. A list of my most popular blog posts will be coming out in just … Continue reading

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A Year of Opportunity — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

As I have done nearly every year for the last 5 years here on Career Opportunities, I have chosen a theme for the coming year. This year is no exception and, in fact, this year’s theme is a very personal … Continue reading

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Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – December 29, 2013

   Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, organizer of Tuesdays with Transitioners posted these job listings recently. Join Tuesdays with Transitioners Meetup group to receive these job listings directly via and email.  Office Assistant at Twistory Studios Assistant to TV Host, Producer, … Continue reading

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Product: Moo MiniCards

This is probably my fourth or fifth order from Moo MiniCards for my business cards. As you can see form the photo, Moo MiniCards are about half the size of typical “western” business cards and, more importantly for me, I … Continue reading

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