Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – March 10, 2013

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, organizer of Tuesdays with Transitioners posted these job listings recently. Join Tuesdays with Transitioners Meetup group to receive these job listings directly via and email. Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – March 10, 2013 … Continue reading

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Archive: Douglas talks Careers and New Media with Bigg Success – March 10, 2010

Originally appeared on Career Success with New Media We were happy to visit with Douglas E. Welch today on The Bigg Success Show today. Douglas is an expert on building the career you deserve and spreading the word about … Continue reading

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Archive: Drifting — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

How long are you willing to wait for your company to get its collective “act” together? How long will you suffer through hiring freezes and a moratorium on raises? How long will you suffer a company whose planning, and treatment … Continue reading

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No one earns the right to “coast” in their career– from the Career Opportunities Podcast

As you get to be older — I just turned 49 myself — there is a problematic thought process that can creep into your daily thinking. When you are faced with a new career challenge, a new career idea, a … Continue reading

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Invites: Want more happiness in your life? Join Happify!

I was invited to join this site, Happify, which seeks to help you build more happiness into your life in a variety of ways. Since it is beta right now, you can only join via invite. It just so happens, … Continue reading

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Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – March 3, 2013

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, organizer of Tuesdays with Transitioners posted these job listings recently. Join Tuesdays with Transitioners Meetup group to receive these job listings directly via and email. Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – February 24, 2013 … Continue reading

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Video: Great interview with Al Roker — “My First Big Break” — from MediaBistro

Al Roker talks about getting started in his career and some of his best advice for anyone building a career. It is great that he says some things that I say all the time to people and in my writing, … Continue reading

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Video: Dr. Rosanne Welch speaks on “Presenting Yourself Well on Paper” for CareerCamp Online 2009.

Dr. Rosanne Welch speaks on “Presenting Yourself Well on Paper” for CareerCamp Online 2009. More video from CareerCamp and Douglas E. Welch Read more on this topic: CareerCamp: Presenting yourself well on paper – Rosanne Welch Television writer and college … Continue reading

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Looking for a few good advisors/editors for my next Career Opportunities book!

I am starting to ramp up production of my next Career Opportunities book and I am looking for a few good advisors/editors to help me make it as great as possible. This will involve “crowd sourcing” this advice — having … Continue reading

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Archive: “A Year of Leadership” with Douglas E. Welch, CareerCamp Online 2009

From the archives, here is a video of Douglas E. Welch presenting on “A Year of Leadership” for the very first CareerCamp, CareerCamp Online 2009. Can’t see the video above? Watch “A Year of Leadership” on YouTube   Subscribe to … Continue reading

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