Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – March 24, 2013

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, organizer of Tuesdays with Transitioners posted these job listings recently. Join Tuesdays with Transitioners Meetup group to receive these job listings directly via and email. Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – March 24, 2013 … Continue reading

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Archive: Saying nothing in a crisis hurts much more than it helps — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Silence If you want to anger, frighten or infuriate someone, often the only thing you need to do is remain silent. Failure to respond to questions, support requests or complaints allows the client/customer to think the worst about you, your … Continue reading

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5 Years Ago: Archive: An Interview with barista, Kate Schroeder

An Interview with barista, Kate Schroeder Links mentioned during this interview: newsgroup via Google Groups World Barista Championships Listen: An Interview with barista, Kate Schroeder   Videos: Latte Art – via YouTube Photos: Latte Art via Flickr   Read … Continue reading

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Read Career Opportunities on your Kindle (or compatible device)

Today, you’ll notice the addition of a “Send to Kindle” button above each post here on Career Opportunities. Amazon recently released this plugin for WordPress and I wanted to add it the minute I saw it.   The truth is, … Continue reading

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Jobs Available – Listings of all types at – Search by keyword and location

Looking for a job? There are a host of job listings available on every day. Enter the keywords you are searching for and your location to get fresh and focused listings. Read more on this topic: Jobs Available – Listings … Continue reading

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Don’t be the employee that everyone wishes would just retire — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

We have all seen them in nearly every place we work — employees that should have retired years ago. They do their work as if they are living in another era. They are left to plod along  in the same … Continue reading

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Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – March 17, 2013

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, organizer of Tuesdays with Transitioners posted these job listings recently. Join Tuesdays with Transitioners Meetup group to receive these job listings directly via and email. Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – March 17, 2013 … Continue reading

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Archive: A Year of Visibility talk from BarCampLA-5

This is the audio from my talk A Year of Visibility at BarCampLA-5 on March 1, 2008.  One of the most important career moves you can make today is to “Show people what you do and how well you do … Continue reading

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One bad reason to choose a career — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

There can be many reasons for choosing a particular career. It might meet with your intellectual interests and native talents. It is an area of work that is becoming more necessary and more in demand. It has a large impact … Continue reading

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Books on Hold: Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger

Books on Hold is a blog series dedicated to books I have seen in passing and requested from my local library. See more in the series at the end of this blog post. — Douglas Contagious: Why Things Catch On by … Continue reading

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