Developing A Career From Your Interests from Using the Career Compass to Find Your Work and Career [Video] (0:56)

Using the Career Compass to Find Your Work and Career with Douglas E. Welch 

Developing A Career From Your Interests from Using the Career Compass to Find Your Work and Career


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Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development – Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen

The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide.

I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people “What you do and how well you do it”


Once you figure out what you want to do, how do you do it? What are the steps? What are the ways that you take the Career Compass and use it to development a career — like my own, if you want — out of a mish-mash — anyone who looks at it from the outside sees nothing but a mishmash. The fact is, it took me years to figure out what everything relates to in my career. The fact is, everything I do relates to education. I don’t’ teach in the classroom. Beyond presentations like this, but everything I do has something to do with education. I love teaching people about things. It used to be technology almost fully. I used to do work in a corporate IT department. Then I started working in people’s homes, small offices, stuff like that. Started talking about it. Started writing about it, but everything over the years finally revealed to me that I do education and you’re going to need to figure out that same thing.

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