Historical Cooking Books – 71 in a series – Mrs. Welch’s cook book (1884) by Mary (Beaumont) Welch

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Historical Cooking Books – 71 in a series – Mrs. Welch’s cook book (1884) by Mary (Beaumont) Welch

Historical Cooking Books - 71 in a series - Mrs. Welch's cook book (1884) by Mary (Beaumont) Welch

Historical Cooking Books - 71 in a series - Mrs. Welch's cook book (1884) by Mary (Beaumont) Welch

Historical Cooking Books - 71 in a series - Mrs. Welch's cook book (1884) by Mary (Beaumont) Welch

Available in PDF, Text, JPG formats, and more


PREFACE. In this volume are included, besides many others, the receipts used in the Department of Domestic Economy of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.

These, and all others, have been gathered with great care from many sources. Having had excep- tional advantages for the study of cookery, and access to the most complete library on food and kindred subjects in the west, I feel sure, in presenting this book to the public, I am offering a work of practical value. Like all similar books, it is, in great measure, a compilation. I do not claim to be original, I have simply gleaned the best from the highest authorities.

Each receipt has been either personally tested, or is vouched for by competent housewives among my friends. Wherever possible I have given credit for such receipts as I have copied. Many, however, have been gathered from papers, or sent to me by friends through a term of years, and their origin is lost. While studying in Germany and England, I collected much that was valuable, all of which I have proved by actual trial to be good. I am under obligations also, to that excellent English paper “The Queen,” for a number of capital receipts. Many of these I have altered to suit our markets and taste, making the original instructions simply a basis for final results. I desire to call especial attention to the chapters that close this book by Prof. Macomber, Prof. Pope, and Dr. Fairchild. These are all valuable and come from gentlemen, each of whom is recognized author ity on the topic of which he treats.

Mary B. Welch, Ames, Iowa..

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