Career Opportunities

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Friday, August 24, 2007

A Reputation for Empathy - Call our Listener Line at 818-804-5049

Career Opportunities podcast logoEmpathy is the ability to understand the feelings or situation of another person. As you might imagine, empathy is a very important trait for those people who want to successfully collaborate with others, whether as co-workers, manager and staff or client and consultant. If you are unable to connect with others or truly understand what they might be feeling, you set yourself apart like a modern day Marie Antoinette, giving advice without any real understanding of the world around you. Other people are quick to catch on when you lack empathy or any real understanding of how they are feeling. This diminishes your effectiveness with others and can put your career at risk.

Next Friday: August 31, 2007: A Reputation for Clear Thinking

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At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Jim McCormick said...

I think striking the right balance between empathy and getting the job done is a crucial component for success at the workplace. I have been around many people who are very sound technically, but with whom I couldn't connect with on some more human level. As a result, my interactions with these individuals suffered. Perhaps the result of our society being to connected into their own virtual worlds and not working enough on the human-human interaction?

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Douglas said...

I find it has less to do with any "virtual world" issues and much more to do with simple fear. We live in a world where we are kept in fear of everything -- even our lives -- every waking moment. Someone who has a leaning towards being fearful already is sure to suffer even more fear surrounding their everyday life.

I think the uncommunicative people are often very afraid of how they might be judged if they engage with others, so they seek to reduce all interaction as much as possible. It is a coping mechanism.



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