Category Archives: Seminar

News: Panelists champion careers in social good

Everyone wants to make money in their career, but many of us also want to have the biggest effect possible on the world. We seek out ways to do good as well as live good using our work and enterprise … Continue reading

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Audio: What is success….and why you might have it already! from CareerCampSCV 2012

Douglas E. Welch ( presents “What is success….and why you might have it already!” at CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2012 ( There has been a “perversion” of the meaning of success these days with only the extremely famous or rich … Continue reading

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Video: What is success…and why you might have it already! from CareerCampSCV 2012

Douglas E. Welch ( presents “What is success….and why you might have it already!” at CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2012 ( There has been a “perversion” of the meaning of success these days with only the extremely famous or rich … Continue reading

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Audio: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012

Douglas E. Welch presents “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North” at CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2012 ( Listen to Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012 Watch the video version of “Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012” here    Buy the … Continue reading

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Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012

Douglas E. Welch presents “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North” at CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2012 ( Can’t see the video above? Watch “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North” on YouTube   Buy the Career Compass eBooklet in the Amazon … Continue reading

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Photos: CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2012 and Session List

Yesterday we held our 3rd CareerCampSCV (our 7th CareerCamp overall) and it was another great day. I am always so pleasantly surprised with how well these events work. I think we provide a lot of value and everyone seems to … Continue reading

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This Saturday – CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley)

REGISTER FOR CAREERCAMPSCV 2012 TODAY TO INSURE YOUR SPOT! Our third CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) is happening on July 14th, 2012 and tickets are still available. We hope to see you there! Unemployed? Underemployed? New college graduate? Considering new career options? Join us for CareerCampSCV … Continue reading

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Video: The Fine Art of Troubleshooting Anything from BarCampLA

Douglas presents what he has learned about troubleshooting over nearly 25 years of computer consulting and how it can be applied to many life situations outside of technology. If you enjoy this recipe video, please click Like and/or subscribe on … Continue reading

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Video Archives: Visibility and Your Career from LaidOffCampLA 2009

Showing people “what you do and how well you do it” is an important part of every career. You need to be visible so that people can seek you out for opportunities instead of always feeling you have to go … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities Course of Suggested Study: Creativity and Innovation

A self-directed education is a wonderful and productive thing. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to know where to aim your educational focus. To offer a bit of help with this, I have put together some resources around a particular … Continue reading

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