Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Video: From corporate slave to solopreneur with Susan M. Baker from CareerCampSFV

Sharing another great CareerCamp video with you all — Douglas Susan M. Baker of presents “From corporate slave to solopreneur ” at CareerCampSFV (San Fernando Valley) Watch “From corporate slave to solopreneur” – iPod Ready Video Read more on … Continue reading

Posted in CareerCamp, Elsewhere, Podcast, Show, Video | 1 Comment

“Managing Upwards” on today’s #careerchat – What I said…

#CareerChat is a Twitter-based chat that happens every Tuesday at 1pm EDT/10am PDT. I try to make it whenever I can. Here is what I had to say on today’s #careerchat topic, “Managing Upwards.” Making things happen is always a … Continue reading

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Networking isn’t about business cards – Podcast

After a busy month of networking mixers, Social Media Week panel discussions and hosting my 5th CareerCamp unconference I was reminded of an important lesson. We all talk about networking as an important part of building our career, but I … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities podcast is now in its 7th year!

Anniversaries come and go, so it was only a couple of days ago that I remembered that Career Opportunities passed another milestone back on September 24, 2011. Back in 2004, this was the day the first episode was sent out … Continue reading

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Elsewhere: 4 Ways Current Labor Trends Will Impact Your Career

Great advice on all levels — especially the part about tech knowledge being increasingly important. I have been saying that for years and it is great to see someone else who feels the same way. — Douglas 4 Ways Current … Continue reading

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eBook: Social Media Self Preservation (Kindle) by Douglas E. Welch

My first Kindle-format eBook is now available on Amazon. The great thing is that is doesn’t require a Kindle to read. You can get free Kindle software for nearly any device (Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, Blackberry) and read … Continue reading

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Tidbits from today’s #careerchat

#CareerChat is a Twitter-based chat that happens every Tuesday at 1pm EDT/10am PDT. I try to make it whenever I can. Here are some of my thoughts that came out in today’s chat. You can follow me on Twitter at … Continue reading

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Photos: Social Media and Your Career Panel Discussion

I was part of this panel discussion tonight, Social Media and Your Career, as part of Social Media Week. There was lots of great discussion and people said they got a lot out of it. Audio and Video will be coming … Continue reading

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Look deeper to find hidden jobs – Podcast

It is conventional wisdom that bigger is always better, but when it comes to your job search, returning to the same old well might not serve your best interests. If you are looking where everyone else is looking, you shouldn’t … Continue reading

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Panel: Social Media and Your Career – Registration now open! – Part of Social Media Week 2011

Registration is now open for this panel discussion, which is part of Social Media Week 2011 – taking place throughout the world! — Douglas LOS ANGELES Social Media and Your Career Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM … Continue reading

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