Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Killer Innovations: Fighting the Corporate Antibodies by Phil McKinney

I have been listening to the Killer Innovations podcast since the beginning. Phil McKinney, former VP of Technology for Hewlett-Packard, is an expert on innovation and his podcasts always illuminate the thorniest innovation problems. After listening to this episode — … Continue reading

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Fire Me Now, I beg you! – great blog post and discussion

I came across this very interesting blog post and discussion thread today on Google+. Here is the original blog post that started the conversation. ROBBIE ABED’S PERSONAL BLOG: Fire Me Now, I beg you! In every situation I ask myself two … Continue reading

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Event: Goodwill Southern California Veterans’ Employment Program – Apr 17, 2012

Come Celebrate! Goodwill Southern California Veterans’ Employment Program 1 Year Anniversary and Job Fair Tuesday, April 17th 9am-11:00am Goodwill Southern California 342 San Fernando Road Los Angeles, CA 90031 All Veterans Welcome RSVP Required: Yvette Cowans, USN (Ret.) Auxiliary aids … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Machine Project Needs a Paid Intern for the Summer

I just received this in my Inbox. Machine Project is a cool place where cool people do cool things. (LAUGH) I have enjoyed quite a few of their events in the past and I think it could be a unique … Continue reading

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Look outside your industry for great new ideas – Podcast

“That’s not the way we do things here. That will never work in our industry. It wasn’t invented here so it can’t be any good. Things will never change around here.” How often do you hear phrases like this around … Continue reading

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CareerCampLA is just 14 days away! – Helping to Build the Career You Deserve! I would like to personally invite you to CareerCampLA 2012 which is happening Friday, April 20, 2012 at LA Southwest College. Register for your FREE tickets here CareerCamp is a community organized, career-focused, unconference which calls upon local … Continue reading

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Notes from #TChat on Talent Communities

Thanks to @ilovegarick, I checked into this evening’s #TChat – “At the intersection of talent and culture”, as it says on their web page. There was lots of talk about communities of all sorts, but especially about talent communities — people … Continue reading

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Counteroffer discussion on Google+. What do you think?

We are currently having an interesting discussion about counteroffers in the workplace over on Google+. Stop by and chime in with your comments. I would love to hear what you think. To join in, click the link below or Circle … Continue reading

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[Tip] No one GIVES you a job, you EARN it!

This photo is great, but as a career professional, I take great issue with the text. Photo: David Kokua It says…PHP?Javascript?MySQL?AJAX?Can you code?If yes…My Daddy wants to give you a job! (emphasis mine)This is wrong! No one GIVES you a … Continue reading

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Want a signed copy of my Kindle eBooks? You can get it!

A new service has popped up to allow authors to “sign” their Kindle eBooks — I have never been a big seeker of autographs, but some people are. This is an attempt to extend the autograph into the digital … Continue reading

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