Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

News: Panelists champion careers in social good

Everyone wants to make money in their career, but many of us also want to have the biggest effect possible on the world. We seek out ways to do good as well as live good using our work and enterprise … Continue reading

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Elsewhere: Top 10 Reasons Why First-Time Freelancers Fail

Here is an excellent article on why many first-time freelancers fail. I know i have faced many of these issues myself and readily identify with the problems presented. That said, while freelancing can be — let us say — challenging, … Continue reading

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Jobs Available – Listings of all types at

Looking for a job? There are a host of job listings available on every day. Enter the keywords you are searching for and your location to get fresh and focused listings. Read more on this topic: Jobs Available – Listings … Continue reading

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Archive: The Right Way To Resign – Most viewed Career Opportunities column

This column (Actually originally a series of 5 columns) ranks as the most viewed column of any I have written in 14 years of the Career Opportunities column. I present it here to share it with those who might not … Continue reading

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Archive: High-Tech Super Hero – Podcast

  There are days when I wish I had some super power that allowed me to sense when someone was about to make a nasty high-tech mistake. Then I could swoop in, act as translator and ombudsman and save countless … Continue reading

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Books by Douglas E. Welch

The High-Tech Career Handbook: The Best of Career Opportunities 1998-2003 30,000 Words Navigating the special difficulties of a high-tech career can be troublesome for workers, young and old. Career Opportunities, a weekly column for ComputorEdge Magazine in San Diego, California … Continue reading

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Also on #KitchenParty: Healthy recipes throughout the holidays – 8pm EDT/5pm PDT

I write on a lot of different topics here on, some of which you might also be interested in. Infrequently, I like to share events that are happening on the other WelchWrite blogs. I hope you find them interesting … Continue reading

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The best time is always now! – Podcast

As you may have heard, I had emergency surgery on some gall bladder issues last week and I am currently on the mend. As with any major life event, this got me to thinking about what I want in the … Continue reading

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My Favorite Career Things – September 2012

Here are my favorite shared career items for September 2012. Please let me know in the comments if you find any of the particularly useful. I’ll keep my eye open for similar items — Douglas Career / How to be an … Continue reading

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An Health Update on Douglas!

Hello everyone! This is a quick note to explain what has happened to me and why the blogs, podcasts an videos have been slow in coming over the last couple of weeks. I became ill last Tuesday, (9/25) and ended … Continue reading

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