Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

2012 Gift Guide: Moleskeine Journals

Moleskeine Journals of all sorts No matter how much technology i have at hand, I always find myself falling back on my paper journal as a data gathering, thought-provoking and capturing, friend. Yes, I carry and iPhone, but there is … Continue reading

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2012 Gift Guide: The Creative Habit and The Collaborative Habit by Twyla Tharp

  The Creative Habit and The Collaborative Habit Two excellent books by choreographer Twyla Tharp delve into the creative process and collaborating with others. The books give an in-depth view of both her work and how she creates it. There is lots … Continue reading

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Archive: “What if it were you?” from the Career Opportunities Podcast

It has happened to all of us. You get the call, or the email, “The boys upstairs say we have to do XYZ.” Then, often without question, we do exactly that, no matter how wrong we might think the action. … Continue reading

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2012 Gift Guide: We are all weird by Seth Godin

We are all weird by Seth Godin Whenever I read one of Seth Godin’s books I feel he is preaching to the choir because his thoughts are so much in tune with my own when it comes to New Media, … Continue reading

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2012 Gift Guide: Do the Work by Steven Pressfield

This is the first in a series of “Gift Guide”posts for 2012. I have enjoyed all these books and products over the years and highly recommend them to you, your friends and family — Douglas Do the Work by Steven … Continue reading

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The more things change…the better! — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

I was walking around a local store yesterday when I was struck with a bit of an epiphany. There, on the end of a shopping aisle, were some lightbulbs for sale. These lights were the, now ubiquitous, compact fluorescent bulbs, … Continue reading

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Archive: “Damaged” from the Career Opportunities Podcast

 It is a sad fact that, especially in high-tech careers, some workers have been so damaged by their work experiences they have lost all hope of ever having a fulfilling career. They feel beaten down, used up and cast aside … Continue reading

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Stop worshipping the obsessive — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

As a people, Americans love to worship the obsessives among us. Witness the near deification of Steve Jobs and other amazing business people. We are quick to forgive them their sins of anti-social, bullying and “ends justify the means” behavior … Continue reading

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Elsewhere: Five Most Effective Ways to Invest in Your Career from Forbes

A great article from Forbes on how and where to “invest” in your career. One item they mention is using a career coach. This is something I have been doing more of lately. If you are interested, you can check … Continue reading

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News: 10 Must-Have Skills and Must-Read Books for Today’s Worker By Hannah Morgan

Lots of good advice and pointers to additional material in this article from US News and World Report. For me, the most important messages are the need for self-motivated entrepreneurship and self-leadership in any worker today. You need to feel … Continue reading

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