Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

What you SHOULD be sharing in your social media feeds — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

A few weeks ago I talked about how to attract work and opportunities to you, instead of constantly begging for your next job. One of the biggest elements of attracting work to you is using social media to share the … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading…Give and Take by Adam Grant

I picked this up at the library yesterday and I am already well into Chapter 1. As someone Grant would describe as a “giver”, I am looking for ways to make that giving work the best for me, while also … Continue reading

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Archive: Make your resume a blog — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

You can find advice on how to build, design and send your resume almost anywhere. They will tell you how to format it, which font to choose and what information to include. Heck, even I’ve written my share of columns … Continue reading

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Privacy and the need to sell yourself in your career — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Privacy is in the news a lot these days and it is a valid concern for all of us. That said, when you are trying to build the career you deserve, an excessive focus on privacy can make your careerbuilding … Continue reading

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Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – July 21, 2013

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, organizer of Tuesdays with Transitioners posted these job listings recently. Join Tuesdays with Transitioners Meetup group to receive these job listings directly via and email. Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – June 23, 2013 … Continue reading

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Jobs Available – Listings of all types at – Search by keyword and location

Looking for a job? There are a host of job listings available on every day. Enter the keywords you are searching for and your location to get fresh and focused listings. Read more on this topic: Jobs Available – All … Continue reading

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Video: Smartphones and Your Career with Douglas E. Welch, CareerCampSCV 2013 (51 mins)

Douglas E. Welch, Founder of CareerCamp, presents “Smartphones and Your Career” (51 mins) at CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2013. For more information, visit CareerCampSCV, CareerCamp International and     Can’t see the video above? Watch “Smartphones and Your Career” on … Continue reading

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CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2013 Presentations and Discussion Groups

Here is the complete list of presentations and discussion groups from CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2013.   How to get focus and get results, Networking to your job with Jeffery Tyler Transferable skills. Empowering yourself No Linkedin = No job with Jeffery Tyler … Continue reading

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Photos: CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2013

Here are 90 pictures from yesterday’s CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2013. As always, we had a great group of attendees (who also became presenters and discussion leaders) and much career-related information was shared. Click this photo to see a slide … Continue reading

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One more day until CareerCampSCV! Join us!

REGISTER FOR CAREERCAMPSCV 2013 TODAY TO INSURE YOUR SPOT! Our fourth CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) is happening on July 13th, 2013 and tickets are available\. We hope to see you there! Unemployed? Underemployed? New college graduate? Considering new career options? Join us for CareerCampSCV 2013! … Continue reading

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