Historical Cooking Books – 92 in a series – Gas cookery : with practical recipes (1885) by Helen Edden

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Historical Cooking Books – 92 in a series – Gas cookery : with practical recipes (1885) by Helen Edden

Historical Cooking Books - 92 in a series - Gas cookery : with practical recipes (1885) by Helen Edden Cover

Historical Cooking Books - 92 in a series - Gas cookery : with practical recipes (1885) by Helen Edden Preface

Historical Cooking Books - 92 in a series - Gas cookery : with practical recipes (1885) by Helen Edden Recipe page

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The success which has attended the sale of my former Cookery Books has led me to issue a new and revised edition containing many fresh recipes. This, book has no pretension to be a complete Cookery Book, but these recipes are written at the request of many pupils and ladies x who have attended my Classes and Lectures, therefore I have endeavoured to explain fully and clearly, the necessary ingredients required for each dish, and the best method of preparing and cooking the same.

Now that gas is recognized as the best medium for cooking, having great advantages over coal, both as regards rapidity, cleanliness and economy, my aim in this book is to be a help to those who have already a Gas Stove or are desirous of having one, therefore I have appended a few useful hints as to their management.

First and foremost the Stove should be kept scrupulously clean. The oven well washed after using (if any grease has been spilled) with hot water and soda. The stoves are lined with enamel, therefore they can be washed as easily as a plate and dried with a cloth. The stewpans for use should be kept clean and bright. Iron saucepans may be used if quite free from soot as the soot would fall off and choke the boiling burners, causing an unpleasant smell. By simply turning a tap and applying a light it is in readiness for whatever is required to be boiled, and the oven is perfectly heated in ten minutes, the heat throughout being uniform and from day to day exactly the same temperature, and can be regulated…

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