More blooms in the garden

The Clytostoma callistegioides vine is blooming (at least the part that gets enough sun) These white and purple blossoms create a doorway effect leading to another part of the garden.
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The Clytostoma callistegioides vine is blooming (at least the part that gets enough sun) These white and purple blossoms create a doorway effect leading to another part of the garden.
How big are those flowers?
The photo crop makes them look HUGE!
Why yes, my gardening skills are so tremendous I raise HUGE flowers! (SMILE) I wish!
The flowers are about 2-3 inches from the tip of 1 petal to the tip of the opposite one. They are tubular shaped, almost like a trumpet flower blossom.
Only average. (Sigh)
That's still pretty big, to someone who doesn't know the plant.
The flower resembles that of mint, which you have to get VERY close to in order to observe all its detail...
2-3 inches is big, on that scale.
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