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Tuesday, May 18, 2004

A little pruning...

Finally got out in the garden for a few minutes today. We purchased some pretty garden ornaments at the NoHo Arts and Theatre Festival last weekend. A few of these got placed around the back garden. Joe particularly liked his ladybug made out of shiny copper with jewel stones for eyes.

For some reason, the pink climber rose near the front door bloomed a few weeks ago and then when into decline, dropping leaves and looking poorly. I trimmed off some dead stems, removed a few black-spotted leaves and did a general cleanup. I am looking to remove this rose anyway, as the 2 yellow Bankside roses are starting to get established on the same trellis, but I had hoped to keep this one around until they were better established. It has never been a great grower in this location, so time may have eventually caught up with it.

Books on Rose Pruning and Maintenance


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