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Monday, May 03, 2004

Botanical Fonts

What do you get when you turn a bunch of designers loose in the woods and tell them re-create fonts using only the material found around them?

You get some wonderful botanical fonts, available in both TrueType and JPEG format, to spice up your garden journals, blogs and more.

Here are 2 examples of the fonts, using both the font files (B&W) and the full-color JPEG artwork.

Click for larger image

All this work took place at AIGA Minnesota's Design Camp. According to the description on their web site:

"Drawing from his fine art background, Chank encouraged designers to create "found art" letterforms, using only materials found laying around the campgrounds in Nisswa, Minnesota. AIGA campers sparked their creativity by exploring the area looking for leaves, twigs, flower petals, cigarette butts, rocks, fish bones, wild berries -- anything that might help them fashion attractive new organic letterforms."

You can download Mr. Twiggy, Twigdancer, Sauertwiggo via the web site.


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