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Monday, May 03, 2004

More bees...

I had another "bee-in" today. I have know idea why I keep running into them. Maybe someday in the future it will all "bee-come" clear. (SMILE)

As I arrived at the home of a consulting client today, I noticed that the car was surrounded by bees. Not too keen on getting stung, I parked a short distance away, where the bee cloud thinned out. I couldn't see the swarm itself, but I could certainly hear it. The sounds of 20,000-30,000 bees is quite unique. The swarm must have just recently settled in the olive tree by the client's driveway, as there was still a large cloud in the air around the tree.

About 20 minutes later, I was finished with my work. The cloud had thinned dramatically outside and I was able to easily see the large clump of bees on a limb of the olive tree, abouty 15 feet in the air. Quite an amazing site! I wonder if someone is trying to tell me something with all these apian encounters?


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