Interesting Plant: Allium Cowanii

Allium cowanii

Discovered via Pinterest User, Shirley Wilkerson


I have always found allium quite beautiful, and there is something about the color and shape of Allium cowanii that caught my eye especially. The flowers almost look like snowdrops/snowflake flowers grouped together on a larger stem. Maybe it is this similarity that makes me like them, too. I have snowflakes in my garden here and always enjoy the show they put on each year.

“A very delicate and pretty, early-flowering, pure white allium, cowanii is excellent in the border and as a very long-lasting (3 weeks) cut flower. You can eat the flowers in salad too. –

More information on Hemerocallis ‘Derrick Cane’ (Daylily):


Allium Cowanii  from

Previously in the Interesting Plant series: 

Interesting Plant is a series from A Gardener’s Notebook blog and podcast that highlights the most interesting plants I find in my Internet and real-world travels — Douglas