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Thursday, August 02, 2007

As if life wasn't hard enough...

It has been my own experience that people with small bits of pwoer will weild them with the utmost vigor, but this post from Leah over at takes the cake. Where most normal people would simply ignore a resume that did not fit their needs, this person obviously has so much time on their hands as to write a scathing reply that borders on the abusive.

The fact is, someone who does something like this needs a severe reeducation in what it means to deal with the public, even those who are inquiring about employment. I can only imagine how many others they have abused in a similar fashion. I have encouraged Leah to write to the CEO/Preseident and HR head for this company as ask them if this is the type of employee they want representing their company to the public. While it might be true that this is "exactly" the type of person they want in this position, something tells me that they are totally unaware of this behavior and will be appalled to see their company represented in this fashion.

I would love to know which company this was so I could call and get an interview with the writer of the letter and their management to see exactly what would precipitate such an outburst. I think that would be an interesting interview indeed.

Read the post, and the letter Leah received, and let me know what you think in the comments.

I Ain't Got No College Degree

...Yes, quite possibly I’ve received no negative response because 9 out of 10 times, my resume went straight into the shredder. Or the recycling bin, as it were, since I was considered unqualified. And I’ve been OK with knowing that could be true. I’ve always held some sense of Universal Timing and felt in my bones that the right companies would still find me attractive and I would land the position I was meant to have when the time was right.

But never did I consider that I might be angering people on the other side. I didn’t feel that having to read through the first three lines of my cover letter would waste so much of the reader’s time as to do some type of permanent damage to their retina, as this last enraged reply implied.

(Continues -- read on if you dare!)

(Via leahpeah.)

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