Your employer needs you as much as you need them - December 22, 2006
by Douglas E. Welch,
It is almost 2007 and yet we still have some archaic views of the employer/employee relationship -- on both sides. We have seen the concepts of corporate loyalty overturned and the paternalistic concepts of group health care and pensions are quickly disappearing. With all these changes, though, there is one change even more important to the average worker. It is an even more difficult change because it has to be developed from the inside, from the individual, rather than imposed by the corporate structure. You must finally take to heart the concept that your company -- your employer needs you, your skills and your intelligence, as much as you need the company. As more companies seek to treat you as an independent contractor, you must embrace that role and make it your own. Otherwise, you are fooling yourself into living in a world where no one is ever outsourced and you spend your entire career working for one company -- a fantasy today if it ever really existed.

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