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Thursday, November 30, 2006

You know its time to quit your job when...

In the the past I have written about being part of the solution, not part of the problem. (See A High-Tech Manifesto, Oct 17, 2003 and In the end..., March 1, 2002) If you are working for a company that is doing something illegal or unethical, then you are definitely part of problem. Below is a perfect example.

If you EVER find yourself writing or speaking words like this, do everyone a favor and find another job. The gall of someone explaining away a situation that was purposefully meant to deceive was just a misunderstanding is absolutely ludicrous. This is the height of disingenuous speech. Lying makes me angry. Lying on top of a lie makes me crazy. And yet, there is so much double-speak like this everywhere you go.

from Merriam-Webster Online: dis-in-gen-u-ous: lacking in candor; also : giving a false appearance of simple frankness : CALCULATING

Somewhere, somehow, someone at Kraft decided that they would shade the truth in order to make a bit more profit. Now that they've been caught, they put the VP on the firing line to somehow explain that black is white and white is black, the sun rises in the west and pigs have wings. This is simply the end product of a corporate world where everything is fair game when in search of profits and if you, as an employee continue to support that world then I have no sympathy for you. At that point, you are participating in your own downfall. Get out now, before your ethics and sense of fair play get corrupted any farther.

How do you teach your children not to lie or shade the truth when you spend your days making up excuses like this for your corporation?

What say you? Give me your comments using the link below!

I'm sure you've read or heard the news by now about the woman who's suing Kraft because it turns out the company's guacamole dip contains virtually no avocados:

The guacamole sold by Kraft Foods Inc., one of the bestselling avocado dips in the nation, includes modified food starch, hefty amounts of coconut and soybean oils, and a dose of food coloring. The dip contains precious little avocado, but many customers mistake it for wholly guacamole...

Kraft and other food companies said they weren't deceiving customers by skimping on the avocado. A Kraft spokeswoman said most people understood that guacamole was part of the company's line of flavored dips.

"We think customers understand that it isn't made from avocado," said Claire Regan, Kraft Foods' vice president of corporate affairs. "All of the ingredients are listed on the label for consumers to reference."

Nonetheless, Kraft is relabeling the product, which could not be found during a random check of six Southern California supermarkets this week.

Regan said the company was changing its label to make it clearer that it was selling guacamole-flavored dip. She said she was not familiar with the lawsuit.

(Via Franklin Avenue.)

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