Elsewhere Online: Life After Layoffs: Discarded and Demoralized
This article points out, again, why it is so important to develop a new attitude in today's workplace. Anyone who believes that there is a "safe" job within any corporation is setting themselves up for a dramatic fall. That fact is, layoffs often happen for no discernible reason other than you are too expensive to keep on the payroll. There is no way to combat this, expect by providing some exceptional level of value to your company. Even then, the bottom line will often outweigh your contributions.
Several of those interviewed in this article mention the loss of community and even "family" when they are laid off. In this day and age, you need to develop relationships with individuals, not "the company." Seek out those people who you would befriend whether they worked at your company or not. These will be the people who will stay in contact with you long after your job, and perhaps even the company, have disappeared.
Finally, develop your own projects whenever possible. Don't tie your entire self-worth to your job. It limits your success and makes the separation of a layoff even more destructive.
Life After Layoffs: Discarded and Demoralized byThomas Hoffman
IT workers who have been victimized by layoffs say their dismissals have left long-lasting emotional and professional scars.
(Via Computerworld.)
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