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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

WelchWrite Holiday Gift Guide #1

Welcome to the first installment of the WelchWrite Holiday Gift Guide. Each day I will post a new gift recommendation for the favorite high-tech geeks on your shopping list.

Today we strat our list with the Palm TX handheld, the latest entry in a long line of handheld computers from Palm, Inc.

My venerable Treo 90 has developed screen problems over the last few months, so it is about time to replace it. I don't normally carry a laptop with me when I travel or work at a client's site. My current laptop is way to large to be comfortable and 99% of the information I need can be contained in my Treo. That said, it would be nice to be able to receive email and browse the web when I am out, yet still near a Wi-Fi access point. Since many of my clients have wireless routers, this would be a great way to keep up with my email, even when I am away from the office. Sure, I could upgrade to a Blackberry, but since I would use other features more than the email, it seem a bit pricey for my needs.

Link: Palm TX Handheld from


At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The TX rocks. My Palm is an old IIIx but my wife recently upgraded to the TX as an early Christmas present. The WiFi is nice, though I obviously prefer browsing the web on a PC. It has an excellent looking screen and can be used as a pretty good MP3 player. POP mail works fine, too.

James in NC

At 1:17 AM, Blogger Douglas said...

Thanks for the hands-on comments. How fast is the unit when browsing the web and receiving email. Is it painful to use the web browser, or just inconvenient due to the screen size?



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