State of the IT Workspace
This question from Slashdot has generated a lot of good discussion about the state of IT jobs in general and what new IT workers need to consider. This is a Slashdot discussion, so it can get a bit rough sometimes, but there are some well thought out comments.
What would you tell someone who was considering an IT career? What do you wish someone had explained to you?
Recruiting IT Students?
spacemonk asks: "I teach at a community college and our enrollment numbers are down in our IT programs. We have found that many have the perception that there are few IT jobs. We feel this is causing many students, who might be interested in IT, to enroll in other programs. There is obviously a lot of conflicting information regarding the impact of off-shoring, and so forth, but much of what we have found indicates that the IT job market is improving, and IT is still a career that can offer job opportunities to students. For example, we have had internship opportunities that we have not been able to send candidates to, simply because we don't have the students. Needless to say, this is very frustrating. How would you honestly describe the IT job market to students considering this major? What can be done to recruit more students into IT programs?"
(Via Slashdot.)
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