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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hey guys, look at me!! I'm on a podcast!!

In today's edition of the Typical PC User Podcast with Victor Cajiao, I do a segment on troubleshooting your DSL or cable modem connection to the Internet.

Whenever my clients have trouble with their connections, it can lead to extra work for everyone involved. This is my method for keeping everything in perspective.

TPCU55-09-24-2005 DSL Troubleshootng, Geek Gadget Show and Tell, Wireless tips, and Favorite Firefox Extensions and Plugins

Play Podcast

Douglas E. Welch on DSL Trouble Shooting

Career Opportunities The High-Tech Career Handbook

Listener Cate gives us her favorite Fire Fox Extensions and Plugins

World Wide Words

Common plugins, including common search plugins

Many more Fire Fox plugins

Wikipedia definition of Plugins

Geek Gadget Show and Tell (with Victor and George).

Three of the four featured on this show were provied by listener Sal. Why don't you send me your favorite gadget links at

Big Brother is watching

Talk about your USB Magma

One Smart Extension Cord

Doze No More

(Via Typical PC User Podcast.)


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