Category Archives: Video

Video: From corporate slave to solopreneur with Susan M. Baker from CareerCampSFV

Sharing another great CareerCamp video with you all — Douglas Susan M. Baker of presents “From corporate slave to solopreneur ” at CareerCampSFV (San Fernando Valley) Watch “From corporate slave to solopreneur” – iPod Ready Video Read more on … Continue reading

Posted in CareerCamp, Elsewhere, Podcast, Show, Video | 1 Comment

[Tip] Video: 29 Ways to Stay Creative (1:50)

Get a jolt of support this morning with this short video – 29 ways to stay creative. I do most of them, but could certainly do better at others. What are you going to create today? 29 WAYS TO STAY … Continue reading

Posted in Elsewhere, Tips, Video | 1 Comment

Elsewhere Online: The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit new video series

My friend, Matt Moran, has re-launched the web site for his book, The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit and he is starting a new career-focused video series. Visit his web site (link below) for complete information and videos. Matt will be … Continue reading

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Elsewhere Video: Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work from

I found this talk to be quite interesting and it reflects of my own beliefs about work-life balance. Check it out! — Douglas About this talk Work-life balance, says Nigel Marsh, is too important to be left in the hands … Continue reading

Posted in Elsewhere, Video | 1 Comment

Career-Op Gift Guide # 9: The Craft and Business of Songwriting

# 9 The Craft and Business of Songwriting While it might be considered a niche career, many thousands of people pursue their musical dreams every year. In such a competitive industry, you need a reliable and knowledgeable guide. John Braheny … Continue reading

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Career-Op Gift Guide # 7: The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You’ll Ever Need

# 7 The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You’ll Ever Need Yes, a graphic novel that also happens to be a career guide. What a great idea! This is an easy read, but offers some good career … Continue reading

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Video: Panel: Traditional Media Career Paths and How They Are Changing from CareerCampLA

Tracy Pattin, Michael Lawshe, Liam Johnson and Jenny Bellington present a panel discussion on “Traditional Media Career Paths and How They Are Changing” at CareerCampLA 2010. Download “Panel: Traditional Media Career Paths and How They Are Changing” – iPod Ready … Continue reading

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Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North with Douglas E. Welch

Douglas E. Welch presents “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North” at CareerCampSCV on July 10th, 2010. Download “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North with Douglas E. Welch” – iPod Ready Video Read more on this topic: Video: Career Compass: Finding … Continue reading

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Video: 10 Things to Do While You’re Looking with Jennifer Oliver O’Connell

Jennifer Oliver O’Connell of Tuesdays with Transitioners, and co-chair of CareerCampLA 2010, presents 10 Things to do while you’re looking at CareerCampLA 2010 Download “10 Things to Do While You’re Looking with Jennifer Oliver O’Connell” – iPod Ready Video Read … Continue reading

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Video: Music Business Careers with John Braheny

John Braheny, author of “The Craft and Business of Songwriting” presents Music Business Careers at CareerCampLA 2010. Download “Music Business Careers with John Braheny” – iPod Ready Video Read more on this topic: Video: Career Path Patterns: Why the corporate … Continue reading

Posted in Business, CareerCamp, Events, Podcast, Show, Video | Tagged | 1 Comment