Category Archives: Video

Video: The Fine Art of Troubleshooting Anything from BarCampLA

Douglas presents what he has learned about troubleshooting over nearly 25 years of computer consulting and how it can be applied to many life situations outside of technology. If you enjoy this recipe video, please click Like and/or subscribe on … Continue reading

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Video Archives: Career Prescriptions at Tuesdays with Transitioners

Douglas E. Welch offers his career “prescriptions” – actions that every careerist should be doing to “build the career you deserve.” These prescriptions include blogging to share “what you do and how well you do it”, selectively using Facebook, LinkedIn … Continue reading

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Video: Career Tip – Stop adversarial Hiring Practices

In this Career Tip – Douglas asks employers and job candidates to “partner” and  work towards making hiring a win-win for everyone involved. Can’t see the video above, watch “Career Tip – Stop adversarial hiring practices” on my YouTube channel. … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities Podcasts for 2011

Here is a complete list of all the columns and podcasts for 2011, just in case you happened to miss any along the way. Please feel free to offer your questions and comments in each show. I’ll see those comments … Continue reading

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Video: Career Path Patterns with JoAnn Braheny

During tonight’s Career Opportunities Podcast Office Hour on Google+, I was reminded of this great talk by my friend Joann Braheny ( on Career Path Patterns. Check out different types of careers and how to decide which one you have. Recorded … Continue reading

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Video: From the archives – Career Tip 20080919 – Setting Your Price

Follow @careertips on Twitter, Career Opportunities on Facebook or Career Opportunities on Google+ for more career tips Also, you can join the Career Opportunities Mailing List to stay in touch with everything that is happening here. Read more on this … Continue reading

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Video: Social Media and Your Career Panel – Part 4 of 4

Part of Social Media Week 2011 Building the career you deserve means becoming both director and promoter of it–No one cares as much about your career as you do. This means taking the lead in ‘Telling people what you do … Continue reading

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Video: Social Media and Your Career Panel – Part 3 of 4

Part of Social Media Week 2011 Building the career you deserve means becoming both director and promoter of it–No one cares as much about your career as you do. This means taking the lead in ‘Telling people what you do … Continue reading

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Video: Social Media and Your Career Panel – Part 2 of 4

Part of Social Media Week 2011 Building the career you deserve means becoming both director and promoter of it–No one cares as much about your career as you do. This means taking the lead in ‘Telling people what you do … Continue reading

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Video: Social Media and Your Career Panel – Part 1 of 4

Part of Social Media Week 2011 Building the career you deserve means becoming both director and promoter of it–No one cares as much about your career as you do. This means taking the lead in ‘Telling people what you do … Continue reading

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